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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Neturei Karta At the Funeral of the"Butcher of Jews"


Anonymous said...

Not just "butcher of Jews". He is a butcher.
He butchered countless men and women of his own population.

Garnel Ironheart said...

To be fair, the NK don't consider most of us to be Jews and those they do are deserving of death so this makes sense.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Where are our “Gedolim”?
Why haven’t they declared that these Neturei Karta traitors to Yiddishkeit should no longer be welcome in their stores, yeshivas and schools? In other words, complete shunning—chayrem for this Jew hating cult.
Seems to me that their sympathies lie more with these creeps than with with traditional Orthodox Jews.

Baruch steinmetz said...

when can we pay them a shivah call

Anonymous said...


Chillul Hashem. What's wrong with people?

Sabra65 said...

to U's wife: what gedolim? they are busy with smartphones, womens sheitlech and how tight their clothes are. Nothing else matters. And kissing the ass of every embezzler who donates tons of stolen money. Like a friend of mine in shudduchim told me, they are there to push you into getting married, but when it goes south, and you need advice re divorce, they are nowhere to be found. You know why? Because they do not know how to treat every kind of couple. They are not marriage counselors.

Anonymous said...

To Uriah's Wife 5:52 pm
Follow up the yidisha news… All the Gedolim already took position long time ago against these despicable traitors.
And even if they didn’t, it’s pointless to announce that "chazir is treif". It’s obvious, everyone knows this. For this you don’t need a Gadol.

YY Jacobson once said that the guys in this "iranian-paid agency" (NK) are most probably not jewish kahalocho.

Anonymous said...

Quite a few are supported by Mossad & shabak

Anonymous said...

Side point -- Rav Bick z"l (who aligned with Satmar, and got smicha from YU) once discussed with Satmar Rebbe we should require Satmar couples to go for premarital counseling. SR objected. Rav Bick replied, you SR do siddur kiddushin. I write the gitten. I know what's going on.