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Friday, May 3, 2024

Meshiginar Biden Finally Opens His Trap and Condemns "Islamophobia"?


Biden Condemning Israel for Attacking Haifa

 After days of painstaking silence, President Biden has finally spoken out about the violent protests which have terrorized college campuses.

In his first public remarks on this week’s protests, Biden criticized much of the unrest over the Israel-Hamas war erupting at colleges across the country, saying “none of this is a peaceful protest.”

“Destroying property is not a peaceful protest,” Biden said. “It is against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations, none of this is a peaceful protest.”

However Biden seemed to equate hatred of Jews and hatred of Palestinians. In fact, he mentioned Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims.

Alan Dershowitz slammed Biden, tweeting: “Why can’t President Biden simply denounce antisemitism without pandering to Muslims and Arabs. This is what he said: “There is place for hate speech or violence of any kind whether it’s antisemitism,Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab American or Palestinian American.””

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A rasha, hardly meshigeh