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Monday, May 6, 2024

In This Video The Lubavitcher Rebbe Says That He "Cannot Bring Moshiach" Only the Jewish People Together Can Bring Him


Schneerson vs. Gorbachev said...

He admitted he couldn't do it, he should have resigned and dismantled his Habad-Lubavitch sect (as the USSR was dissolved around that time, after it too was shown to be a colossal failure and fraud), and ordered them to repent and return to normative Orthodox Judaism.

LITVAK said...

For Leibowitz on the Rebbi see:

Anonymous said...

By sending your link to a site that registers approx 20,000 hits a day, your sin of Loshon Hara can never be forgiven. Leibowitz himself is now dead and knows the truth. Interestingly, you would even post something like thsat when you can see clearly in the video that DIN posted that the Rebbe states unequivocally that he cannot bring Moshiach!

Litvak said...


If there are 20000 hits a day it is no longer Loshon Hara on my part.

Learn halacha!

The Leibowitz video is important because it nicely illustrates the fact that many people did not think very highly of the Rebbe.

Many see him as the founder of a sect/cult that pretended to be authentic Judaism but is really a grotesque distortion of what Judaism really is.

He managed to entice thousands of mindless individuals into his cult and set himself up as guru and avatar.

Habad is today is a manifestation of everything the Torah wanted us not to be!!

Enough is enough said...

B"H we had Rav Schach zt"l to fight that false messiah from Crown Heights then.

Hopefully people now will continue the fight against the heretical Chabad Lubavitch lunatic messianic cult.

Anonymous said...

Litvak and Enough is Enough
For the record Rav Shach z"l had an agenda because he had tried to get the Roshe Yeshivah position in Kfar Chabad and the then Chabadznikers saw that he was a political hack and so they showed him the door. Learn Your History!!!!
Let's not forget that Rav' Shach was also pro the Oslo accords that caused untold pain and murder and brought about the intifada.
Rav Shach was also pro-giving back land to the murderers, not his own home , of course. He was a "farbisiner Kalter Litvak"
The Lubavitcher was an Ish Kodosh and anyone messing with him should worry about his family, its not going to end well!

Litvak said...

So now who is engaging in lashon hara?

Anonymous said...

Rav Shach was "mevazeh" a Talmid Chacham who was a leader of tens of thousands!
במקום חילול השם אין חולקים כבוד לרב
He was also a reckless politician who backed the Oslo Accords, in addition, he was a known Baal Machlokas! Don't forget that the supporters for Korach were the Gedoilei Hador!