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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In London Chareidim Team Up With Hamas To Burn the Jewish Flag


The reason I'm writing "Chareidim" because the Mosdois Hatorah are not throwing out their mamzerim from the yeshivos. They are not being ostracized in their shuls! 
Not one Chareidie Gadol in England has condemned them, Not one! 


Anonymous said...

I suggest to anybody who leaves comments on other sites: when such a video featuring Neturei Karta is promoted as proof for the anti-Zionist / pro-Hamas side, it would be worthwhile to point out that the ultimate goal of Neturei Karta is not letoyvass the 'Palestinians', but rather to eventually see a Meshichist theocratic Jewish kingdom in the land of 'Palestine'. The sooner that 'Palestinians' realize this, the sooner they might stop supporting these crazy anti-Semitic Jews.

Sabra65 said...

may every member of NK be afflicted with the worst possible cancers and die a slow and extremely painful death!

Anonymous said...

They will never get out of Gehennim

Gatesheader said...

Not true. When Cohen from Manchester went to Iran to be mechabek & menashek the roitzeach Ahmadinijad YMS a large Charedi crowd descended on his house, doing much damage & torching his car before police dispersed them.