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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Hilarious! Columbia students who are encamping on campus are asking Columbia to supply them with, wait for it, humanitarian aid.



Garnel Ironheart said...

It's a sick psychological mechanism
It's like the Chareidim in Israel who dress and act like they're in 18th century Poland and scream "Persecution!" every chance they get so they too can pretend that they're suffering, just like their ancestors.
These spoiled children are the same. They want to pretend they're resisting and suffering just like civilians in Gaza, so naturally they need humanitarian aid too.

Anonymous said...

At least Chareidim cover their navels and have a value system that - while not perfect - is a lot closer to the divine than this one.

(Disclosure: I am Chareidi albeit one who is not a victim and does not need or accept handouts)