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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Guess who is on a "Hunger Strike?"


I'm really glad that she is on a hunger strike, it will do wonders for her health and give her hunk of flesh, a break!

Whiney students at Princeton University are currently on a hunger strike and say they will not eat anything (they are drinking) until the university meets their demands, specifically a “full academic and cultural boycott of Israel” and a guarantee that they won’t themselves be subject to criminal or disciplinary charges.

Princeton has all but ignored the students, who are now getting worried that they might, you know, die if they actually keep their word and continue refusing food. Their desperation was apparent on Tuesday, with the students crying victim and throwing a fit that nobody is bothering to check if they are in good health.

The students – who are doing this willingly and can stop at any time they choose to – moaned that Princeton University administrators are “not monitoring our health. They are not keeping track of our vitals. They are not at all taking care of us.”

“We will continue to starve until they meet our demands,” the insisted.

Those poor babies. We hope they follow through on their “threat” to keep not eating. Besides, a few of them look like they can use a break from food for a while.

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