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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Exposed: Biden Conspired with Hamas to Trick Israel into a Suicidal Ceasefire!


An important detail to note is earlier today after Hamas came out accepting the made-up fantasy deal, the world press initially thought that Egypt and Qatar cooked it up, but they were wrong. 

It is now very clear that the US was the one behind all of this, and was exposed because of their amateurish conduct. 

However, this entire conspiracy backfired on Biden, and this is how we know.

 Gantz has basically done a 180-degree shift from his position on Saturday and now firmly believes that a military operation in Rafah is the only way to get the hostages back. Biden has now officially lost any ally who supports his crooked agenda in Israel. Israel's war cabinet is now more unified than ever on what needs to be done. Thank you, Biden!


1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

Or this is a great setup by the US - they trick Hamas into doing something absurd - look, we accepted a ceasefire deal that the Israelis didn't even know about and expect them to hold by it - and thereby handed Israel the "Enough is enough!" card to play