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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Even While Jewish Blood is Being Spilled Satmar Liars Continue to Denigrate and Distort Lag Be'Omer Meron Closing


Israel is at war, the majority of the Jewish people are in imminent danger, Jewish children in uniform dying al Kiddush Hashem protecting their brothers and sisters, and the Satmar heimishe Romanian "Chicken Soupers" keep instigating non-stop against the only Jewish country in the entire world.

The Satmar Yiddish Weekly "Der Goy's" front page featured a bald-faced lie in reference to the IDF recommending the closure of Meron this coming Lag-Beomer. 
Hezbollah has been launching rockets against the holy site non-stop; below see a video from just this past Friday of Hezbollah' rockets. In fact the road leading to Meron was destroyed by a rocket two weeks ago and has since been repaired. 

Der Goy, not wanting to be confused by the facts, says that this is all a lie, and it is not dangerous at all but just a ploy by the "Zionists to take control of the site" 

I have to laugh as Satmar for years prohibited their bochrum from flying to Israel for Lag-Beomer. They said time and again that this Lag Be'Omer business in Meron is "darkei amorie". The bochrum of course ignored their "holy rebbes" and went anyway and risked being thrown out. "Be'les breirah," no choice, Samar Rebbe R, Aaron Teitelbaum of Monroe instituted a brand new minhag which Satmar was against since its founding by R' Yoel Teitelbaum founder of Satmar Chassidus,  to make their own "Hadlaka" in KJ so that the bochrim stay local! Still, many bochrim want the experience and the excitement of Meron, not some copycat "hadlakas" by rebbes that they secretly do not respect, and fly to Israel by the thousands. 

This claim that the Zionists want to take control of the Holy Site, would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. Just two years ago 45 Jews that went to Meron were killed by other Jews! 
Years prior to this needless tragedy the Zionists warned those running the show that this is a tragedy waiting to happen.
 The tragedy in 2021 was not the first time something like this happened. In 1911, 11were killed and 40 were wounded after 100 people fell some seven meters from a balcony after the railing surrounding it collapsed. Every year after Lag Be'omer the media reports of people sighing with relief that a tragedy DIDN'T strike.

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום  I had written previously about my very own experience at Meron on the Lag Be'omer of 2019, and I mentioned that I had vowed that I would never ever return on Lag Be'omer as I myself could not believe the lack of security and lack of control of so many people converging in a small area. I had noticed that near the Kever by the stadium there were thousands of people but only one exit and this exit also served as an entrance, I ran like a bat out of hell never looked back. I couldn't even get anywhere close to the supposed kever! 
The Zionists control the Kotel, Kever Rachel, and the Mearas Hamachpeilah and even though much fewer people converge in those places, there is always control and safety measures in place.
I think that the Gedoilim that had issued Kol Koras prior to the tragedy that "the Chareidim stay in control and not allow the secular Zionists control the Har," will have to give Din Ve'Cheshbon on what happened two years ago. 
I know the "Commission of Inquiry" blamed Netanyahu, but what they blamed for was the fact that he allowed the immature and inexperienced Chareidim to be in charge.  Meron doesn't belong to Chareidim, Meron belongs to the State of Israel, like it or not, and the State should take control ASAP! 
Satmar should do what they do best which is to make heimishe chicken-soup and wait for someone to get sick and serve it! Stay out of our business. 


FYI said...

"both Samar Rebbe brothers instituted a brand new minhag which Satmar was against since its founding by R' Yoel Teitelbaum founder of Satmar Chassidus, to make their own "Hadlaka" in KJ and in Williamsburg so that the bochrim stay local"

AFAIK, that is incorrect. The Satmar Rebbe of KJ, has indeed done so, he makes a giant outdoor bonfire in recent years, but his brother, R. Zalman Leib, Satmar Rebbe in Brooklyn, stuck by the old mesorah, and did not do so.

DIN, Please correct.

Anonymous said...

Der Yid which DIN mockingly calls "Der Goy" is the newspaper by R' Zalman Leib, actually.

Yeshies now said...

But where will the Hasidics get yeshies from without a big Hadlukeh in Meron? Where will Reb Mylech Biderman dance??? Can a person be yoitzeh Chai Rotel outside Meron?