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Friday, May 17, 2024

Chassidim that Left their Communities Singing "Hartzige Niggunim"



Anonymous said...

There is nothing like a beutifull Warm chasidesh song that is food for the Neshama for any type of Jew!!

jay reich said...

What one would do for attention. Imagine if they were given the proper attention in their youth.

Anonymous said...

the satmar rov ztzl said "if you don't let children play when there young, they will play when there old"

Sabra65 said...

this is what happens when shitheads gather little children in schoolyards and teach them to burn israeli flags. no wonder satmar has the highest OTD rate. Except in their case, it means On the Derech, off the satmar derech of hate.

Anonymous said...

I recently saw a clip of chassidim singing Scorpions' "Wind of Change." Was that on this blog? If so, please link it.