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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

אין לנו ארץ אחרת, ואנחנו כאן להילחם עליה. יום הולדת 76 למדינה האהובה שלנו

 We have no other country! We Are Here To Fight For it! Happy 76th Birthday, The State of Israel 


Yoely in KJ said...

Can we livestream Tachanun here?

Party Pooper said...


Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

Party Pooper
R' Avigdar Miller was a Holocaust Denier! He said that only 1 million Jews died in the Holocaust, and that's exactly what Abbas of the PA states in his book. R; Miller's book on the Holocaust was only published after his death, as he didn't have the guts to publish it when he was alive, he knew that the survivors would kill him. R' Miller was also the one who wrote for the Neturei Karta ads that they put in the New York Times in the 60's and the 70's. Those ads were also broadcast on WABC and WINS. Those ads besmirched the state of Israel, I believe that this is what is going on now in the college campuses , is a direct result of R' Miller's work. In addition R' Miller was roasting marshmallows and eating Franks in the USA on July 4. the exact date that my Grandparents and brothers were being gassed. R' Miller a Young Israel Rabbi was the only Young Israel Rabbi that Satmar loved because he was their English Speaking puppet. Whatever his opinion on Yom Hatmaot is totally irrelevant!

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

Party Pooper
My father a Satmar Holocaust Survivor who lost a wife and children said that R Miller was a "Rasha" and I never heard my father use that term on anyone. He had heard him once at a fundraiser. He said to quote him verbatim "a proster yingatch,rasha"
He wrote some great books, but he was an obsessed antizionist. I remember going to his Sunday Q&A in Flatbush and most of his answers were with arrogance and had this "I know it all" attitude. My father z"l forbade me from going there, when he found out.
There is now a major push with a lot of money backing to resurrect him as a great tazaddik. Holocaust survivors would beg to differ.

Anonymous said...

proof the previous is idiot & son of idiot