Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z"l (left on the bottom)writes .... says the establishment of the State is the "Aschaltah De'Geulah" the beginning of the Redemption!
Reb Eliyahu Ki Tov author of Sefer Hatadah Wrote the following about Yom Hatzmeot ...
but it was removed from his sefer by the anti-Zionists for obvious reasons!
Hi can you clarify to me?
The letter that you say was from Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. I don't see that.
It looks like someone by the name of Deutch signed it. Please clarify, I'd love to see it. Thanks.
I'm not referring to the Ponivitz letter... I'm referring to the above ... with R' Auerbach's picture
Thanks for clarifying. I wish though that it would have been more from a sefer or authorized document & not from a poster that is easier to question its legitimacy.
Everyone here in Israel knows that that was the Shitah of R' Shlomo Zalman ... no one denies it ....in fact he would frequent Har Herzl .......
He was also very close to Harav Hatzaddik Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l and even appointed him as the Kohein for the Pidyan Haben of his son Shmuel, and of course R' Kook was the mesadeir Kiddushin of Harav Auerbach ...
But be that as it may ...
theother Gedoilei Yisroel on that "poster" isn't good enough for you?????
Rav Kook, Rav Eliyahu Ki Tov, R' Ovadia Yoisef, Harav Tzvi Pesach Frank etc etc ....
that's not good enough ... you have to look for :gedoilim" who denigrate the State???
You can look at the Meraglim.... they were "Gedoilei Yisroel" and leaders of Klall Yisroel ... look where that got them ...
It seems from comment that you are a "shmutz-le'aaretzer" naar...
How do I know??? Because you call it a "poster" ....
this isn't a poster... this is an ad in all Chareidie magazines put in by sfardie/askanim ..the week before Yom Haatzmeot..
they accept the ad because of $$$$$$$ ... but we in the Yeshivishe velt laugh at it ...
I am B"h middle aged, and I remember well that in Brisk we all knew the "farkrumpteh" Shitah from Harav Auerbach z"l...
it was no secret ...
the American Yeshivos that recently saw the light and became anti Tzyanist are re-witing history equating R' Shlomo Zalman with his son Harav Shmuel z"l ...........
Even though I never agree with DIn because of his hatred of us ...here I have to agree ...that it is in fact R' Shlomo Zalman who held that the Medinah was the Aschalta degulah ....
"poster" he he .... I wish!
The letter supposedly signed by Reb Shlomo Zalman is a well known fraud. It was originally signed by about 8 Rabbonim (including Rav Elyashiv ztl) and it later had about 200 signatures fraudulently added to it, and was printed in Kasher's Hatekufah Hagedolah.
Thanks "Brisker Payois" I was mot trying to argue it. It's just that were I to reference it in a discussion. I wanted to know how accepted that quote was so someone can't say back to me "you can't trust those fake baloney quotes"....kol tuv.
To Dusiznies, I was not minimizing the chasheavos of the others on that "poster" just that they were often known to be more accepting of the State. Having an accepted quote from R' Shlomo Zalman is a much more powerful point when having a debate, were I to be schmoozing with others on this topic. Have a gut shabbos.
Btw to "Brisker Payois" calling me a naar is just insulting for no good reason. I know alot of stupidity and immature babble goes on in the comments here. All I wanted was valid clarification and intelligent discussion, not childish insults.
בעולם החרדי חלו תהפוכות, בתחילת קום המדינה רוב רובם של החרדים היו קרובים יותר ל'מדינה' ואף דיברו בשפה שהיום נחשבת למי שהם חילונים ורחוקים מחרדיות, במשך השנים חלו תהפוכות, אם כי בימינו הפכנו להיות גרועים מפני שמחקנו את הסמל האידיאי החרדי הפכנו להיות 'אזרחים שוים' דבר שגדולי התורה כל כך חששו ממנו ועשו בשעתו הכל שזה לא יקרה
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בימינו אלה כשעוסקים בקדושים, הזכירו שוב את הסיפור הידוע כאשר תלמיד בישיבת קול תורה ביקש לנסוע לקברי צדיקים ור' שלמה זלמן שהיה ראש הישיבה אמר לבחור לשם מה לנסוע, מעבר לכביש בהר הרצל יש לך קברי קדושים החיילים שנהרגו על קדושת השם כשנלחמו למען הארץ
השאלה שאני מציב כאן, האם היום היה מעיז ר' שלמה זלמן להביע את דעתו זו, ואם כן, האם היו שותקים או שהיו סוקלים אותו על כך, צועקים לו כופר כפי שהסאטמארים צועקים על רבותיהם שייגעץ
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