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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Satmar מקדש שם שמים Teaching Their Children to Curse Other Jews

"Askanim" now comparing Smartphone with the "Holocaust"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our frum society has become totally detached and isolated from reality! 

Some crazed lunatic by the name of Rabinowitz who has a phone chat that he calls "Koil Rabinowitz" is comparing the smartphones with Auschwich, the Nazi death camp.

In his ad for his sick phone chat, Herr Rabinowitz  has a depiction of the "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate ... with the words "Smartphone Macht Frei" !

It is obvious that this naive numbskull hasn't learned one thing about the atrocities that occurred in Auschwich! 

If any other ad agency would have used this depiction in their ads, we would all be up in arms to decry this mocking reference to the worst calamity to have befallen the Jewish people in its in entire history! 

Message to Obensfurer Rabinovitz: The murder of over 6 million Jewish souls should not be used to advance your very sick and deranged agenda.
Why don't you ask a Holocaust Survivor what he thinks of your brilliant ad? Hmmm?

Shlomo Carlebach Vintage Photos

Received from one of our readers JM

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Zionist Organization of America Analysis Determines McMaster Hostile to Trump, Calls for Reassignment


The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel group in the country, has completed its analysis of President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster’s behavior and determined him to be a threat to Trump’s agenda.

The organization, which is backed in large part by Trump ally GOP mega-donor and Israel defender Sheldon Adelson, is calling for President Trump at the very least to reassign McMaster to a different administration position where he can do no more harm to Israel and efforts to battle radical Islamic terrorism.
The analysis and recommendation from ZOA president Morton Klein was provided to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release, and represents the first comprehensive connective tissue explaining the serious implications of McMaster’s troubling activities during his time as National Security Adviser. It is worth noting that throughout the below analysis, Klein cites several previous ZOA statements on McMaster that criticized him before–but now this has risen to the level where Klein and ZOA have lost confidence in McMaster altogether in the National Security Advisor position.
The analysis walks through how McMaster purged Trump loyalists who support Israel and are critical of Iran and radical Islamic terrorism from the National Security Council and installed people throughout the council who have problematic backgrounds that do not mesh with what President Trump believes and campaigned on. It also walks through McMaster’s positions on various issues like terrorism, Israel, and questionable parts of his background and decisions he made, such as clearing former President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice.
Breitbart News is including the entire analysis here, broken up into various sections, starting with the opening headline and details of the analysis:

FLASHBACK – President Clinton Threatens North Korea: ‘It Would Be the End of Their Country as They Know It’

President Trump’s tough language toward North Korea is causing many in the mainstream media to clutch their pearls and accuse Trump of being rash and reckless — but over 20 years ago, President Bill Clinton used similarly tough language against the same regime.

Trump set the media and Twitter into panic-mode when he gave a stark warning to Pyongyang Tuesday after the Washington Post reported that the rogue regime had developed miniaturized nuclear weapons for its missiles, with the ability to hit the United States.
“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” Trump said.
Liberals quickly condemned Trump’s remarks, with many predicting the end of the world on Twitter. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called Trump’s words “reckless.”
“We need to be firm and deliberate with North Korea, but reckless rhetoric is not a strategy to keep America safe,” he said.
New York Times report on Trump’s remarks said it “was more typical of North Korean propagandists than it was of past American presidents.” Even Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) expressed displeasure at the remarks, saying, “all it’s going to do is bring us closer to some kind of serious confrontation.”
But back in 1993, President Bill Clinton gave perhaps an even starker warning to North Korea. In a trip to Seoul, South Korea, Clinton said that if North Korea gained and used a nuclear weapon “we would quickly and overwhelmingly retaliate.”
“It would mean the end of their country as they know it,” he said, according to a New York Times report at that time.
The North Korean government subsequently responded angrily and in kind to the threat from the new president.
“The United States must ponder over the fatal consequences that might arise from its rash act,” the government said in a statement. “If anyone dares to provoke us, we will immediately show him in practice what our bold decision is.”

Clinton would go on to negotiate an “Agreed Framework” in 1994 that was hailed as a way to prevent North Korea from getting a nuclear weapon, a deal that is now widely acceptedas being a complete failure.

New York Times Admits Its Fake Front Page Climate Change Article Was Wrong

The New York Times issued a correction to its Tuesday front page article, now admitting that the government climate report it “obtained” had actually been publicly available online for months.
“An article on Tuesday about a sweeping federal climate change report referred incorrectly to the availability of the report,” The NYT wrote in its correction issued Wednesday morning. “While it was not widely publicized, the report was uploaded by the nonprofit Internet Archive in January; it was not first made public by The New York Times.”
The NYT ran a front page article Tuesday claiming to have exclusively obtained a draft climate report that “directly contradicts claims by President Trump and members of his cabinet” on global warming.
Unnamed scientists told The NYT they feared the Trump administration would suppress the climate report. The report is part of the National Climate Assessment that’s released to the public every four years.

Climate scientists that worked on the report, however, were quick to point out it’s been online since January. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published a copy of the report online in March.
The Daily Caller News Foundation pressed TheNYT on this, but reporter Lisa Friedman insisted the report was not publicly available.
After hours of criticism, TheNYT quietly switched copies of the climate report from a “third order draft” to a “fifth order draft,” which has not been made public and is under review by the White House.
Scientists familiar with both drafts said there was no substantive difference between them. TheNYT formally issued a correction to its front page article Wednesday morning.
“It was uploaded to a nonprofit internet digital library in January but received little attention until it was published by The New York Times,” the corrected NYT article reads. The article still reports some scientists “were concerned that it would be suppressed” by Trump.
However, four unnamed co-authors of the draft climate report told the Associated Press that they “have not heard of or witnessed any attempt by the White House to suppress or censor the scientific document.”
“It was under the radar and we were fine about that,” one scientists told the AP.

Trump Advised the US to Take Out North Korea in 1999 in Interview with Tim Russert on Meet the Press

Monday, August 7, 2017

Satmar Savages Brainwash their Children Against Israel in Satmar Camp on Tisha Be'OV

For those who say that Satmar is not Neturei Karta; let this video disabuse you of this naive notion......

There is absolutely no difference between Satmar and Neturei Karta ideology! 

Listen to their lies, that the "IDF forces Yeshiva Boys be drafted" ...
That is a bald faced lie... any yeshiva boy that learns and is a "dati" can get exemption! 

This video was filmed on Tisha Be'Ov ....

Monsey 18 Month Old Baby Killed by Taxi

A horrific accident took place in Monsey this afternoon, where a toddler was struck and killed by a taxi.
The collision unfolded on Joanna Lane at 5 o clock this afternoon. The child, just 18 months old, was rushed by Hatzala to Good Sam Hospital in Suffern.
Unfortunately, the young child was nifter shortly after being taken into the emergency room r”l.
The authorities are still on scene investigating the circumstances of the tragic incident.
Boruch Dayan Emes

'Taking down Trump' would provoke civil war

Michael Savage

If the left succeeds in its effort to remove President Trump from office or renders him virtually powerless, America’s working class – the “Eddies and Ediths” – will revolt, warned author and nationally syndicated talk-radio host Michael Savage.

Referring to a 1939 novel, Savage told his listeners Friday that “The Day of the Locust”  will come and people will “resort to mob violence” when they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle class people” they are denied.

“That is what’s going to happen in this country,” Savage said. “You have not yet seen mob violence in this country. You’ve seen some mob violence instigated by George Soros’ mobs. … But you haven’t seen the thing I’m telling you is coming in this country. You haven’t seen the ‘Day of the Locust’ yet.”
“The Day of the Locust” is a 1939 novel by Nathanael West that features an artist from Yale who comes to Hollywood and creates a painting called “The Burning of Los Angeles.” The painting captures the despair of Americans who worked and saved their entire lives but failed to realize the American dream, prompting anger that boils over into destruction and mob rule.
Savage said that “when Eddie finally gets up and says that’s the end of the road, and Eddie’s eyes turn red, and blood is in his eyes, Eddie will turn this society upside down.”
“And if [the left] take(s) Trump down, through (Special Counsel Robert) Mueller or through any other source and deny Eddie his vote, there will be a civil war in this country,” Savage said.

In his 2014 book “Stop the Coming Civil War,” Savage describes the severity of America’s divide.
“Not since the run-up to the Civil War has the nation been more divided,” he says. “The battle lines have been drawn: The haves against the have-nots. The illegal aliens against hard working middle-class families. Liberals who hate the second amendment versus lawful gun owners. Climate activists whose policies cause forest fires and exacerbate drought against those who understand that the effect on human activity is negligible. Anti-Christian Communist educators against God fearing families. Republicrats against Patriots.”
On his show Friday, Savage recalled the protest rallies he helped lead in 1996 when California’s Proposition 209 – which banned the consideration of race in university admissions and public employment – was blocked by a federal judge after it garnered nearly 55 percent of the vote.
Today, it’s “gone way beyond race,” Savage said.
The civil war, he said will “start slowly, but it will be like Fort Sumter, which started with one cannon shot.”
“I’m warning you. All of you leftists who think you’re going to steal our vote, you’re wrong,” Savage said.
“We’ve had it up to here. We’ve put up with your garbage in the universities. We’ve put up with your filth coming out of your filth factories in Hollywood. We’ve put up with your hatred that comes out of your newspapers. We’ve put up with your filth and your hatred coming out of CNN,” he said.
“But if you do the next step and steal our president, I warn you. You’ve seen nothing yet. You will see the ‘Day of the Locust’ in this country.”

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Moshe Gavriel Binkovitch a Sofer Stam from Modi'in Illit -Goes "Off the Derech" at Age 60

Rabbi Moshe Gavriel Binkowitz was a Rebbe in a Kollel and was a sofer who wrote 19 Sifrei Torah.

He claims that he went off the derech because a prominent Rabbi in Modiin Illit asked him to write Tefillin for very cheap prices to have them distributed to poor and needy families and he subsequently found out that the Tefillin were sold at exorbitant amount of money .

Satmar Rebbe Teaches His Chassidim How To Mourn on Tisha Be'OV

R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe on Tisha Be'Ov

Sitting on the floor on Tisha be'Ov, and mourning the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash are now only for the regular szlubs ..... 

R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe and leader of thousands of his chassidim shows them a new minhag on how to mourn!

200 "leidigeiers" Protest Smartphone Seller in Evergreen in Monsey

Ramapo police said at least 200  people protested Friday outside Ping Cellular in Monsey against the store selling smart phones due to religious beliefs.
The store, located in the Town Square Mall on Route 59, is owned and managed by Orthodox Jews, but does sell smart phones to young Hasidic men, whose rabbis prohibit phones with an Internet connection, said lohud.com .
The protestors, all Hasidic men, said the store was defying rabbinical orders by ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis who enacted a ban against the Internet to avoid exposure to secular mores, including access to unfiltered news, added lohud.
Police said the protesters were peaceful and dispersed when the store closed at 2 p.m.
The store's manager said the protesters have the right to be there, but that his store strongly recommended a community-based organization that would install Internet filters for free, added lohud.com.
Several other cell stores in the mostly Hasidic community keep smartphones under the counter, they said.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Message to Jews "Drop Dead"!!!!

When will Jews ever learn???? This Machsheifa (Witch) who voted to place Iranian Nuclear Bombs in the hands of the Iranian Murderers, now stabbed her Jewish constituents in the back, by withdrawing her sponsorship from a bill that opposed the boycott of Israeli products!
Stupid Jews keep voting for these liberal democrats who are all hidden anti-Semites. They voted democratic to elect FDR who was directly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews by refusing to bomb the railways to the concentration camps. They voted overwhelmingly twice for Hussain Obama .....

In a rare move and after facing criticism at town hall meetings, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, withdrew her sponsorship of an anti-BDS bill.
A search of the congressional website on Wednesday showed that Gillibrand withdrew her sponsorship. Asked for comment, her spokesman, Glen Caplin, said Gillibrand remains opposed to the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel, and supported the bill’s intentions, but is concerned that its critics are concluding that the bill would impinge on civil liberties.
She wants the bill to remove those ambiguities, Caplin said.
“She wants to see the bill rewritten to see those concerns addressed,” he told JTA in an interview.
He referred to her comments earlier this week at a town hall meeting in Queens in which she said she was withdrawing support for the measure and seeking a modification of the bill to address civil liberties concerns.
“I’m going to urge them to rewrite it to make sure it says specifically this does not apply to individuals,” Gillibrand said at the time, describing her reactions after a meeting with the American Civil Liberties Union, which had objected to the bill.
She did not agree with the ACLU’s reading of the bill, but believed the group had come by it honestly, and was concerned that others would draw the same conclusion.
Gillibrand said her principal concern was that the bill could be read as targeting individuals who participate in the BDS movement.
“This is only applying to companies,” she said. “This applies to those working to undermine foreign policy. It has to be very specific that someone who is in favor of BDS can speak their mind and somebody who is against BDS can speak their mind, but you are always allowed to speak your mind. So I’m going to try and get the bill revised so there’s no ambiguity, that it’s just an extension of this foreign policy, which I think does make sense.”
Activists at multiple town halls had confronted Gillibrand over her support for the bill. Some of the questions were organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, which backs BDS, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, among other groups.
Critics, including the ACLU, say the bill, which expands 1970s era laws targeting the Arab League boycott to include boycotts initiated by international organizations, would inhibit free speech. Another objection from the left is that the bill encompasses boycotts of settlement goods.
Defenders of the bill say its ambit is narrow, and that it only addresses active cooperation with boycotts initiated by foreign governments and international organizations, and would not extend to general declarations of intent to boycott Israel or its settlements.
Most recently, Amnesty International has come out against the bill.
The bill, introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., is co-sponsored by nearly half the Senate. A similar bill is under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Eida Chareidis Yolish Krauss: "One Who Accepts State Funds But Doesn’t Serve In The IDF Is A Hypocrite"

Yolish Krauss, viewed as being the operations officer of the Eida Chareidis, spoke out against mosdos who accept funds from the Zionist Government of Israel, pointing an accusing finger at the Peleg group of the litvish tzibur led by the Fanatic Bachelor Shmuel Auerbach.
Krauss mocked Chareidim during an interview with Yediot Yerushalayim, calling them hypocrites for accepting state funds but not serving in the IDF. He called the protests recently held against induction into the IDF “hypocritical” for as long as those mosdos accept state funds. 
“You cannot take state money for your yeshiva and your children with one hand and refusing to serve in the IDF with the other. You cannot have it both ways” he feels.
“I suggest to Peleg Yerushalmi that before you begin protesting in the streets, get 1,000 talmidim to enter the IDF and change things from inside. If you do not succeed you will be thrown out and this will end the induction battle of the chareidim. The IDF doesn’t want you!”
He added that all Chareidim should join the IDF ..

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Our Churban: Yeshivas Throwing Out Our Children

Judge Ruchie Freier

Malky Kleim At The Kotel 

Malky Klein Embraced by her parents

by Judge Ruchie Freier 
I remember seven years ago when I first met 14 year old Malky Klein a”h.  She was sitting across me in the Seforim Room in my home.  She pensive yet pretty, wearing a long skirt and dressed 
B’Tznius.  Malky was wearing the uniform of the school that had expelled her because she was hurt and ashamed and did not want anyone to know that she had no school. 

Her parents were worried as she was experiencing challenges; no high school wanted to accept her.  Since Malky’s passing, many people are coming forward attacking the “system” and warning us of the dire consequences.  What people don’t know is the missing piece to this story. 
During the early years of my community service, I began advocating for kids at risk and formed B’Derech focusing on adolescent Youth at Risk, primarily boys in the Chassidish Community.
One night, in late 2010, my aunt, Miriam Schwartz, called me.  “Ruchie, you must help me get my good friend Rifka Klein’s daughter into high school.”  My aunt explained that she knows this girl and her family for years and they were wonderful people. She explained there was a meeting tonight at a certain high school that Mrs. Klein was afraid to attend because if the other mothers see her, they would protest.
After meeting with Malky and her parents, I had several conversations with their Rav, the Krulla Rebbe of Williamsburg.  He was concerned and supportive and offered to assist me in helping the Klein family with whom he was close with. 
I pleaded with the principal, a kindhearted and righteous person, who was opening a new high school to accept Malky.  She was reluctant because there was negative information out there. 
I advocated and ultimately the principal acquiesced.  But, it was only after she quietly told me that several mothers were calling her exclaiming that if Malky Klein is accepted, they will take their daughters out of the school. 

Great News: Only 76% of Muslims Living in USA Don't want To Kill US!

The Algemeiner  discusses a survey by the Pew Research organization which reveals that 76% of Muslims residing in the USA believe that killing us is "not justified to further a political, social or religious cause." The writer for the Algemeiner is excited by these results.
He adds that "“Nearly three-quarters of US Muslims (73%) say there is little or no support for extremism among American Muslims, while about one-in-six say there is either a ‘fair amount’ (11%) or a ‘great deal’ (6%) of support for extremism within the US Muslim community,” 
So out of 5 Million Muslims living in the USA 17% would cut our throats... 17% of 5 Million is approximately 850,000.00 ..... and the algemeiner is excited by this...
Look at the Headline of this story:
Decisive Majority of US Muslims Oppose Violence Against Civilians, New Survey Shows
Now read article:
by Ben Cohen 
A new survey of political and social attitudes among the US Muslims shows that over three-quarters of the community rejects violence against civilians in the name of religious or political beliefs.
The survey, released on July 26 by the Pew Research organization, revealed that 76 percent of respondents agreed with the contention that “targeting and killing civilians can never be justified to further a political, social or religious cause.” Eight percent believed such actions were justified “rarely,” while a further 12 percent believed terrorist killing is “sometimes” or “often” justified.
While the question as phrased by Pew implies that Islamism is among the several “political, social or religious” causes that can underpin terrorist violence, the survey did not seek responses regarding violence committed in the name of Islam specifically, or against particular countries, most obviously Israel.
At the same time, the survey uncovered deeper misgivings concerning Islamic extremism among Muslims than among the public at large. Sixty-six percent of respondents said they were “very concerned” about “extremism in the name of Islam” around the world, compared to 49 percent of non-Muslim Americans 
However, in terms of how American Muslims perceive the level of extremism in their community, most do not believe there is a serious problem to begin with. “Nearly three-quarters of US Muslims (73%) say there is little or no support for extremism among American Muslims, while about one-in-six say there is either a ‘fair amount’ (11%) or a ‘great deal’ (6%) of support for extremism within the US Muslim community,” the report said.
The survey also displays a growing sense among American Muslims that they are facing heightened discrimination as well as unjustified scrutiny from law enforcement.
“About a third of Muslims, for example, say they have been treated with suspicion over the past 12 months because of their religion,” the report stated. “Nearly one-in-five say they have been called offensive names or singled out by airport security, while one-in-ten say they have been singled out by other law enforcement officials. And 6% say they have even been physically threatened or attacked.”
Unsurprisingly, American Muslims do not hold President Trump in high esteem, with 74 percent perceiving him as “unfriendly” towards their community.
However, the report adds, “this is not the first time the community has looked askance at a Republican in the White House. Indeed, Muslim Americans are no more disapproving of Trump today than they were of George W. Bush’s performance in office during his second term a decade ago.”
In terms of religious observance, the survey found that about four of every ten Muslims prays five times a day, in accordance with Islamic custom. “But many others say religion is less important to them,” the report continued, “and that they are not so consistent in performing salah, the ritual prayers that constitute one of the Five Pillars of Islam and traditionally are performed five times each day.”
Overall, the survey painted a far rosier picture of Muslim life in America than in Europe, and certainly in the Middle East.
“Despite the concerns and perceived challenges they face, 89% of Muslims say they are both proud to be American and proud to be Muslim,” the report said. “Fully eight-in-ten say they are satisfied with the way things are going in their lives. And a large majority of US Muslims continue to profess faith in the American dream, with 70% saying that most people who want to get ahead can make it in America if they are willing to work hard.”
Approximately 3.3 million Muslims – about 1 percent of the population – live in the United States. One of the most culturally and linguistically diverse of this country’s immigrant populations, US Muslim communities are drawn from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey, Africa, the Balkans and South Asia, among other locations.
