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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Shame on You Joe Biden Shame on You



Anonymous said...

Shame on you Dov Hikind:
For business reasons you push an Assembly Candidate in Far Rockaway on which there is a strong chashash he is not a lover of Jews when:
A) You do not live nor have you ever lived in FR.
B) The current Assemblywoman who is a non Frum jewish woman who has a long history with the Frum community and has been a super star fighting againt the gezeiros against our Yeshivas.

Dov you were approached about this and ignored us. So stop preaching against Anti Semitism to support your non profit while pushing Mr Sullivan because of a business relationship you have with his brother. STOP messing us up while playing a hero.

Anonymous said...

1000% abuse of the Far Rockaway by Dov Hikind is putting the champion of Yeshivas in NY on the line by backing this goy against her. Where is Agudah ? Are they talking to Hikind ? Dov knows what he is doing is wrong. Let Agudah threaten to expose him.

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
I think you just exposed him.
Does anyone even listen to the guy ?

Anonymous said...

Nah he is a has been a once was. He never did much for his district anyway his whole thing in Albany was being pro Israel and that's what he was proud of. Then he got his little brother some jobs with some of his super liberal socialist Democrat buddies.