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Monday, September 30, 2024

The Little "French Mouse" Macron Started Up With the Italian Pm.. She Washes the floor With Him as she Points out How the French Exploit Poor Afrikans



Zako said...

Things need to be a little straightened up here... Okay Macron is an ignorant kid, he's one of the many useful global idiots enslaved to the EU mafia and to the Davos World Economic Forum run by Klaus Schwab, okay. But Macron himself has nothing to do with the total BS and nonsense that this demented blond girl is yelling here.
1. The CFA currency was created in 1945 (together with the Bretton Woods deals) and it ensures permanent economic stability to 15 West-African states since then. Without this CFA currency (fully stabilised with the USD and the Euro currency) import-export would be locally impossible, the local population would be starving, largely dying from diseases, and there would be civil wars and rivers of blood just like in East-Africa.
2. Over the centuries, France gave democracy, infrastructures, full education, universities, hospitals, military protection, buildings, highways, airports, aviation, ecc. and a nice future to these same West-African populations.
However, since already decades, France is not anymore in West-Africa (France kept just a few army bases in Africa like the US has in Turkey, in Germany, in Albania and in so many other countries around the world), but this crazy blond girl here is unsufficiently educated to know this. And guess what happens: China, South-Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Canada are literally eating up the African continent, step by step, region by region, and fast.
3. This Black child shown here digging up diamonds is not doing it "for France", for the simple reason that all these diamond and gold mines are run by countless private international groups, known fact.
4. She claims that "France Treasure is keeping 50% (why not 35% or 65% ?) of the value of this gold and diamond ressources". This is a basic clownish fake news.
5. If, as she claims it, Burkina-Faso is "one of the poorest countries in the world", it has nothing to do with Macron, or with the CFA currency, or gold mines, or climate change or whatever: It is essentially due to the century-old stratospheric level of despotism and corruption of almost all the African leaders, governments and politics.
Told you she's demented...

Anonymous said...

So the Mandatory system is now a positive
overall.Agree.Although the French were rather somewhat more ruthless than some other nationalities

Anonymous said...

Yes, mandatory systems are always largely positive for populations who are left to their own device.
What are you based on to claim that "the French were rather somewhat more ruthless than some other nationalities" ?
Did you ever read anything about the horrors commited by the Belgian kingdom in Congo during the 19th and 20th centuries ?