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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Majority of UK Jewry Disapprove of Netanyahu

Disgraceful that UK Jews believe that they can sit in the comfort of their lounges and have the audacity to approve/disapprove of a sitting government that was elected democratically in Israel by the people who are being targeted by Hamas Hizbolla and Iran. 

Shame on these bombastic arrogant bunch of British Jewry who do not have the slightest idea of what is being experienced by the average Israeli and especially those on the front lines to engage in Israeli politics and criticize Netanyahu who has withstood pressure from the leftists ( who simply lost the vote and are therefore bitter), the US and now the Antisemitic (cobrynite) Lammy who couldn't wait to jump onto the Corbyn bandwagon and impose restrictions and condemnation of Israel. 

Maybe the British Jews should use a bit of backbone (if they have any) and stand up to Lammy and stand with Israel but of course, they don't want do anything that would make them “” uncomfortable”” 

Shame on British Jewry !!

A shocking new poll reveals a dramatic shift in British Jewish opinion towards Israeli leadership.

According to the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), an overwhelming 80% of British Jews now hold an unfavorable view of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with 65% expressing strong disapproval. Other right-wing politicians fared even worse, with Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich securing 78% and Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir receiving 77% disapproval. Only Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz showed positive net approval ratings at +12% and +10% respectively.

The poll also highlights challenges for Israel’s image among British Jewry, with 74% describing Israel’s current situation as “bad” or “very bad”. This marks a significant increase from 57% in April, indicating growing concern about Israel’s current war trajectory nearly a year after the October 7 Hamas massacre.

Analysis suggests that the recent killing of six hostages in a tunnel in Rafah is a contributing factor to this major shift in opinion, along with left-wing allegations that Netanyahu is prolonging the war for political survival.

Interestingly, political affiliation plays a crucial role in shaping these views. Conservative Party or Reform UK voters were found to be 22% more likely to approve of Netanyahu compared to those supporting other parties. Similarly, orthodox Jews showed higher approval rates for Israel’s current leader and his allies, while being more likely to disapprove of Lapid and the opposition.”

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