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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Greedy Frum Investors Buying Up Homes in New Frum Monsey Neighborhoods and Renting them to The Lowest Elements of Society

The poster above warns those disgusting money-hungry investors that they will out them, publicizing their names and where they live!

They buy homes in areas such as New Hempstead, Hillcrest, New City, areas where newlyweds and first-time buyers are buying homes for reasonable prices;  these areas are on the parameters of Monsey and not yet fully Frum, hence the cost of homes are still affordable! 

These greedy investors are all Shoimrei Torah Umitzvois and shukkel by davening! Their children all attend yeshivois and eat from the strictest hashgachas! They have no plans to move into these newly created frum neighborhoods!

To give you a real example that happened  three years to 6 years ago: Skver didn't want frum people moving anywhere near New Skver, because they didn't want Skverer Chassidim buying homes across from New Skver, living their lives as they saw fit, but walking over on Shabbos to visit their relatives. So they made their own Eirav and refused to join the rest of the Monsey community, not because they had their own chumrois.....naaaaa! They didn't want their chassidim moving nearby; they wanted them in New Skver proper.

But what happened?

Frum people not Skverer started buying homes down the road and immediately across the road for a lot cheaper than prices in Monsey! 

Skver panicked! So they put out a ban in Monsey magazines stating that they want a mile radius of New Skver to be "Yudenrein! " We reported on that on this blog!

People mocked the "Yudenrein" fatwa and moved there anyway. 

So what did the New Skver gangsters do? 

They began buying available homes in the "Yudenrein" area and deliberately rented these homes out to vagrants and the lowest of the lowest of humanity. On Shabbos afternoon, when the kids were playing outside, these creatures would come out in their bikinis and play music loud , disturbing the entire neighborhood. The Skverer Rebbe was approached by askanim but he brushed them off saying that he is not responsible for those who try to make a living! 

So now, history repeating itself, and as young frum people who cannot afford to live in Monsey proper, are buying on perimeters, these frum roaches, Greedburgers, are coming out of their own Chassidic holes and quickly buying up available homes not to live in them but to rent them out to the lowest forms of humanity, stocking each home with multiple families, making it unbearable to those frum families that are trying to build their families and lives! 

The above poster is signed by respectable shuls and points out all the Torah prohibitions that they are violating especially "Vehavta Le'riacha Ka'moicha"

I am willing to out these investors as soon as I'm giving their names! Absolutely! 


Satmar Poop said...

Not just Skverrers. The associates of Satmar thug Shia Mandel (who is now Poop-ah administrator after getting varrffed arroiss fin Satmar) are turning Monsey homes into rooming houses for Mexicans & Shvartzas too. There are also at least 2 Rebbes who have gone slumlord like this. One of the Rebbes operates like a greedy business-mann. The other one has no choice because Shia's gang is sabotaging anyone heimish from buying or renting it, trying to push the Rebbe into foreclosure so they can steal the house. He had no choice except to put Mexicans in there. Avaddeh the hypocrite gangsters criticize him for his tenants when he has no choice, derveil that they are doing the zelbeh zach by greedy profiteering choice.

Satmar Kacka said...

The mafia “baal habatim” Shia & his buddies finally caved in somewhat from their pristeh grubkeit that they thought they were gonna control the new Mikva in Chestnut Ridge ohn ken Ruv. After they finished squandering all the gelt that they chappt oiss from Kerestir & from the real estate flip to their own Ruv, and couldn’t finish the construction, they had to come Schnorring & Begging with their filthy hands out to Viola Mikva. Viola bailed them out al tenei that they go interen oversight & shgooche of R’ Shia Leifer