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Friday, August 23, 2024

Netanyahu is a no-show at His Grandson's Bar-Mitzvah in Meah Shearim!



Anonymous said...

Netanyahu is trying his best to protect Am Yisrael. He has given up his nachas time maybe because attending would be a life threatening situation for himself or maybe because he was working on protecting the country. Whether he has been successful or not at least he is trying which is more than most Jews. Posting information about his grandson endangers the life of his family. The child is a minor. Most journalists know that information about minors of politicians should not be published.

Sammy k said...

Bibi did not go because he hates chareidim.it is well known that he has a picture of each of his children on his desk.....besides for a picture of his chareidi daughter....

Anonymous said...

He didn't want to be attacked; can you blame him?!