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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fearless Gedoilei Hador Launch Massive "Kol Korah" Campaign to Back Ben-Gvir's Ascention to Har Habayis

Chareidim think that they have the correct mesorah, and that they have the monopoly on "gedoilim" and halacha! 

Nothing could be further than the truth! 
There are hundreds of Gedoilim who are very well respected and who have knowledge of Kol Ha'Torah Kulah, but are very humble and try to stay out of the limelight! 

They finally had enough, and started a massive campaign to disabuse the "oilim goilim" of their brainwashed understanding of the Halachos of going up to the Har Habayis! 

All Israeli frum Hebrew printed media were swamped with full-page ads (see below) praising the courage of Ben-Gvir to ascend to the Har Habyis, and stating the fact that he is backed by Gedoilei Yisrael! 
Of course the Charedie Loshon Hara newspapers like Yated, Hapeles, Hamodia refused to carry the Kol Koras! 
However Hebrew Newspapers like
 "עולם קטן,שבתון,שביעי,קרוב אליך,נופשים, מצב הרוח,
גילו דעת,
 all carried and featured the full page Kol Korah!

Of course every frum Jew should consult with his own rabbi, but know that Ben Gvir has his rabbanim and poiskim and he consulted with them! 

Most Chareidie Gedoilim have no clue where one can go or can't go on the Har Habayis they just sign because others have signed, and some are outright "ama-ratzim!"

The latest Kol Koras against Ben-Gvir's ascension was all political!

 The Gedoilim don't really care if Ben-Gvir is over "safek karos" by going up! Is there ONE Chareidie Torah leader who cares about Ben-Gvir's neshama? One? 
No one cares, Ben-Gvir has been going up every month for years, why the sudden barrage of condemnations?

Votes!!!!! again ... Votes! 

All the gedoilim that signed that Kol Korah against him in the Yated, are affiliated and head Chareidie parties!
 Ben-Gvir's party is getting stronger every day and is taking votes from Chareidie parties, making them weaker and weaker. 
So they teamed up with Lapid and other leftists to make Ben-Gvir into a crazed rightest fanatic! 
What does Ben-Gvir really want?
He wants security! He wants a Jew to be able to pray anywhere he wants in his own country! He wants to expand Jewish settlements in Eretz Yisrael..... this makes him a crazed fanatic?  

Finally Gedoilim with brains are fed up with these Chareidie leaders and are fighting back and openly supporting Ben-Gvir! 


What are you smoking? said...

It’s one thing when you laughably try to package the bunch of Modern Orthodox Tzionim (some borrowing Charedi levush) as the “Gedolei Hador” kaviyochel. But you’ve got the nerve to toss in that Cherlow character for ‘good’ measure who veers Open Orthodox. Oh yes, there have been many in history who’ve had their own ‘poskim’ for various outrages. For years after Tach veTat there were many Yidden fressing on Tisha b’Av al pi Shabsai Tzvi & Nosson of Gaza. There was znus al pi Jacob Frank. There was kefira al pi Zacharias Frankel. There are women “rabbis” al pi Avi Weiss & Stevie Riskin. There is doing away with shaytelach with fictions attributed to frierdik gedolim compliments of Hershel Goldwasser aka Michael Broyde.

Dusiznies said...

What are you smoking?
Are you deranged?
Harav Yisrael Ariel is a "Modern Orthodox Tziyoinie?" Harav Dov Lior is a "Modern Orthodox Tziyoinie?" Harav Yoisef Elbaum is a "Modern Orthodox Tziyoinie?" Harav Yitzchok Brand is a "Modern Orthodox Tziyoinie?"
What makes them Modern? that they use underarm deodorant? That they don't smell like a donkey's ass?
"(some borrowing Charedi levush)?" What makes that levush, Chareidie? Its all stolen from the goyim, there is nothing Charedie about a frock! Nothing!
You are comparing these tazaddikim to Shasai Tzvi? Are you insane? This quote comparing Gedoilei Hador that you don't agree with is taking right out of the Vayoel Moshe who callled all those who disagreed with him Shabai Tzvi!
How sick and perverted is your comment!

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

What are you smoking?
Your entire comment is a bunch of incoherent gibberish!
One example that shows that you are unhinged and need a straight jacket asap!
"There are women “rabbis” al pi Avi Weiss & Stevie Riskin. There is doing away with shaytelach with fictions attributed to frierdik gedolim compliments of Hershel Goldwasser aka Michael Broyde."
What the F does that even mean? What does this have to do with the inyan?
DIN please filter these comments!

Anonymous said...

If we presume for argument's sake you are correct,aren't you in guilty of the same in your vitriolic responses??
The other side can at least claim they hew to old cultural traditions

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

"old cultural traditions?" My Ass!
Not in any time in Jewish history did we have a culture where people refuse to work well into their 60's ! Never did we have a situation where three generations do absolutely nothing but wait for handouts! The Charedie Roshei Yeshiva built this culture so that they would have a job and their wives all taught in the Seminaries to brainwash the girls to marry people who will never ever work! This is unsustainable and sick! Just weeks ago they dragged these ancient relics on private jets to schnoor from people that work! What hypocrisy! Would any of these Roshei yeshiva that were dragged on these plans have their grandchildren marry one of these guys that donated? Never in a million years! BTW "old cultural traditions is to go up to the Har Habayis just to stay on topic! These relics have no clue how to read a map and refuse to sit down with people who are in the know! They won't because they will lose all respect!
We are not guilty of anything! You are being 'mevazeh" talmedei chachamim and we are just following your perverted lead!

GR - Bnei Brak Ir Hakoidesh said...

What are you smoking?
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds! You mock the Dati Leumi Gedoilim for their dress, but just last week your chareidim marched out one of their prized speakers Mordechai Neugroschrel to defend the position that Chareidim should not go to the army and he was dressed as a "modern Jew" his face was clean shaven that looked like a baby's ass! And there he was addressing Charedim parroting his gedoilim and mocking those who opposed his idea. Any of these rabbis that defended Ben-Gvir looked more like a traditional Jew than this guy!

שרה ליין said...

What are you smoking
I think that you need a big kappara for being mevaze huge talmeidei chachamim, you come across as so righteous yet you have no compunction of denigrating rabbanim that are kulo Torah!
I am personally against people going up to the Har, but would never denigrate those poiskim that allow it!

Anonymous said...

Rather than debate who is bigger than who, better to look at the quality of the arguments, in particular whether the anti arguments address current realities .

Anonymous said...

Are you an expert?
How have you come to the information to rate them

Anonymous said...

Where is Rabbi Shechter and Rabbi Tendler please write their opinion ..