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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Don Lemon of CNN "Surprised" when he interviews Atlantic City Residents


 In a recent on-the-ground interview, former CNN anchor Don Lemon found himself at odds with the sentiments of Atlantic City residents regarding the state of the U.S. economy. The segment, intended to gauge public opinion, quickly became a contentious exchange as multiple locals voiced their support for former President Donald Trump, citing a stronger economy and greater financial stability during his administration.

Lemon, who has been an outspoken critic of Trump, was visibly surprised as interview after interview revealed a consistent theme: many residents felt more financially secure under the previous administration.

“Four years ago, it was a lot better. I made a lot more money than I do now,” said one man, reflecting on his personal experience. When Lemon attempted to fact-check the claim, the man responded with laughter, dismissing Lemon’s statistics with a simple, “I know nobody likes him, but we had good times with Donald Trump.”

Another woman echoed these sentiments, expressing frustration with the current economic climate. “The economy was good, life was good,” she said, underscoring a growing disconnect between the realities faced by many Americans and the messaging they receive from the media.

Throughout the interviews, Lemon repeatedly insisted that the economy has improved under Joe Biden. However, these assertions were met with skepticism and even outright laughter from the locals. Many residents pointed to their struggles with rising grocery prices and the overall cost of living as evidence contrary to Lemon’s claims.

This street interview highlights a significant divide between media narratives and the lived experiences of everyday Americans. While economists may present data supporting economic growth under the Biden administration, many people, especially in working-class areas like Atlantic City, are not feeling the benefits.


Anonymous said...

Lemon, not Lemmer!

Anonymous said...

You need to get a special spell checker for names.