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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel voices support for the establishment of a synagogue on the Har Habayis Dismisses Chareidie Concerns

 Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the founder of the Temple Institute and the dean of the Temple Yeshiva, sat with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News for an interview following the renewed debate regarding Jewish visits to the Temple Mount.

The debate surrounding the issue was rebooted after National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said that he would establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount.

Asked if Ben-Gvir's remarks crossed a line, Rabbi Ariel answers: 

"The real question is who draws that line? For us, G-d is the one who draws the lines which were set in the Torah and during the return to Zion in the Land of Israel and Jerusalem after the Six Day War." Rabbi Ariel harkens back to the days after the war when he was assigned to guard the Dome of the Rock, the site of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. "Since then I haven't left the position. We must protect the place. That is our line, and we have no other."

Regarding rabbinical rulings prohibiting entry to the holy site, Rabbi Ariel emphasized: 

"To be honest, there was never a discussion on the matter at the Chief Rabbinate. There were decisions made, but there was never a discussion about entering the mount." According to him, there is no sweeping halachic ruling prohibiting entry, he notes that "there isn't even half a document that confirms this."

Rabbi Ariel recounts that he spoke with Minister Ben-Gvir and reminded him that the idea to build a synagogue on the Temple Mount is not a new one. He mentions the Chief Rabbinate Council's decision from the 12th of Av 5760 (August 13th, 2000), 24 years ago, which decided to hold deliberations regarding the construction of a synagogue on the Temple Mount. "That means that there was a Chief Rabbinate decision to discuss the matter, and not to prohibit entry to the mount," Rabbi Ariel says.

Rabbi Ariel also mentioned claims made mostly by Charedi rabbis that visits to the Temple Mount provoked the Gentiles, especially during such a sensitive time of war. He emphasized that "whoever says it's prohibited to provoke the nations of the works disagrees with the Torah. The entire book of Deuteronomy talks about inheriting the land and settling it, and there is no place to fear the nations."

Rabbi Ariel concluded by mentioning the stance of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, which was communicated in a letter by the late Haifa Chief Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, according to which everything possible must be done to restore Jewish control over the Temple Mount. According to him, Rabbi Kook encouraged the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount but asked that it be done through a Chief Rabbinate Council decision. "Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda planned, together with Rabbi She'ar-Yashuv Hacohen, the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount under the direction of the Chief Rabbinate," Rabbi Ariel concluded.


Garnel Ironheart said...

God loves us. He gave us our land back. But He hates our infighting so His special place remains out of reach until we figure ourselves out.

Yosef said...

It's nice that he "knows" chumash. But apparently not Gemara since he never heard of the Shalosh Shevuos.

This guy thinks Moshiach came already in 1967. Wrong. We are still in Galus especially in the State of Israel which has not had a single day of peace since it was established.

And it never will because it violates Malchus Shomayim. No matter how much violence they experience they just think they need do more Koch VeOtzem Yadi.

How about we dissolve this abomination and give it back to the UN. That will bring peace.

Dusiznies said...

You are a huge Am-Haaretz, just parroting without understanding a word that you are blabbering!
The Sholosh Shevuois in Mesactas Kesubois 111 is an aggadateh, it is not mentioned in the entire "nosei keilim" and not mentioned in the entire Shulchan Aruch or the Rambam's Mishna Torah!
Besides Ezra totally ignored the Shalosh Shevuois!

Even according to the Satmar Rebbe who does hold from the Shalosh Shevuois, a yachid, holds that the Shaolosh Shvuois does not apply for each individual Jew!

You have no clue what "koiche Ve'etzem Yodi means" but you keep parroting this on all news blogs! Someone needs to shut you up!
Its interesting that the Satmar Rebbe in his "Al ha'gilah Ve'hatmurah" says that the IDF won the 6 day war without Hashem's help and says they won because they are a great army, he says that the IDF won precisely because of "Koichi Ve'etzem Yudi" but then he complains that the generals of the IDF are saying that, so only he can say that, but if the IDF itself says it ,its kefira! Crazy thought process!
By calling Harav Yisrael Ariel Shlitah "a guy" you are being mevazeh a Talmud Chachim!
So not only are you a huge Am Ha'aretz, you denigrate Talmeidei Chachamim!

Anonymous said...

The har habayis is larger than it was originally and we don't exactly where the Bais Hamikdash was. Even if one thinks he knows where everything was, others might follow and go to forbidden places, where it is kares if one goes there.

Dusiznies said...

" we don't exactly where the Bais Hamikdash was."
You don't know! Here you have a Rav who does know!
"others might follow and go to forbidden places," That makes absolutely no sense! Who are the "others?" Are you talking about Yeshivishe guys? Are you talking about Chassidishe guys? Who are the "others?' Chilonim? You think a Chilonie cares where you go and don't go?
You are worried about them getting "kares?'
How about "skilah" for those being Mechalleil Shabbos? Do you care about that? I don't think that you care either way, if you did you would work to be mekareiv them with love!
You don't give a damn? Do you?

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

We know exactly where everything was! There are precise seforim published by the Kollel and other Rabbanim, if you care to avail themselves. But todays leaders have no guts and backbone so they come up with this cockamamie excuse "that the previous gedoilim prohibited it! Which is a lie!
As the Rambam ascended the Har and the Me'erie writes in Avos that nowadays one is allowed to go up!

Farce said...

Hey DIN, do you have any more Kahane groupies with criminal records (arrested for harassing Gen. Elazar Stern) to trot out for your Misgareh b'Umos binge besides this Ruzhiner Tuna Beigel, Yisroel "Ariel" Stieglitz? Another meshugass of this character is to "revive" the Sanhedrin. The Brisker Rov, Chazon Ish & many other gedolim are completely against this silly, plain wrong idea. The Chazon Ish (Choshen Mishpot Likutim 1) brings the Radvaz that no one is fit to renew the Sanhedrin. He concluded that any discussion of the topic in this dor yasom is ludicrous. While Tzioni Clowns like "Ariel" claim that more recent gedolim not fighting it "proves" their "quiet support", the real reason for their silence is because the new "Sanhedrin" is simply another fringe group not worthy of comment. It's a complete non-issue generally ignored as on the Fringe & completely unrelated to the Charedi community. See here: https://chareidi.org/archives5766/korach/oharhabyskrh66.htm .

Dusiznies said...

Hey Fart
Kahana groupies with "criminal records" never spied for Iran unlike Chareidim!
The Brisker Rov and Chazon Ish were against it (sanhedrin)? Wow! They were against it!
Tell me who today follows the shitos of the Brisker Rav and the Chazon Ish? Very few! Very few!
Some of the Briskers have a Chumra, to close their gammaras, to tie up traffic for tens of thousands on a daily basis!

Oh wow! He brought the Radvaz! I'll bring you a Rambam that lived before the Radvaz who had proposed a mechanism by which the Sanhedrin could be re-established (see Mishna Torah, Hilchos Sanhedrin 4:11.) The mechaber of the Shulchan Aruch R' Yosef Karo wanted very much to restore the Sanhedrin, but Wow he has a Ridvaz!
To call Talmediei Chachamin like Rav Ariel, "clowns" shows me that Charedieim resort to ad hominem attacks to denigrate and have no problems being Mevazeh Talmedei Chachamim!
Shame on you and your mother who gave birth to you!

Anonymous said...

Din is mevazeh talmidei chachamim for a living but finally when a rav says some tzionishe stuff u can't say a word back.....

Anonymous said...

End of the day going on the Har Habayis stirs hatred towards us that may have been dormant otherwise. And causes diplomatic problems for Israel that would not have been there otherwise. Even assuming those who want to go there are right, there is no justification or sechel behind risking being dead right. After 120 years no one is going to give you a hard time for not going on Har Habayis. Don’t risk them giving you a hard time because you did.

Mrs. Greenjeans said...

Our haredi brethren are all about ohev et habriot umekarvan leTorah. Winning friends and influencing people.

Farce said...

(Whoever Shmekt it Dealt it!)

DIN is gloating over a Vizhnitzer shtinker


But deny it all he wants, the fact is that a Modern Orthodox Bnei Akivanik was arrested for selling stolen nuclear technology to Pakki terrorists passing it off to Iran & North Korea. And the phony Silver Spring rabbi defending this traitor in court named Kranz is another Meir Kahane groupie.

The Rambam never got past a theory which you & your fellow National Zionists know but choose to ignore.

Rambam's closing words, "This matter requires a final decision" shows that he was not fully decided as a psak. Since the Rambam was uncertain and the Ramban is zicher against, the halacha follows Ramban. Don't take my word for it. These are the exact words of the Ralbach with many 1500s gedolim on his side who opposed Rav Karo who incidentally did not include his own idea in Shulchan Aruch. He couldn't because the Chochmei Yerusholayim disagreed, the idea is invalid even if the Rambam was clearly for it! Although Rav Karo did not come under attack for proceeding, his effort ended with R' Chaim Vital. The arrogant pipsqueaks of today have zero standing to reinitiate it.


Lots of detail here

Dusiznies said...

Your argument totally fell apart on October 7. The Jews in the South had great relations with the Arabs of Gaza, they gave them jobs and advocated for them, they got kicked in the proverbial ass and that's who they raped and murdered! Arabs don't need any excuses to kill Jews they kill them because they hate them! You are very naive!

Dusiznies said...

And finally, if all Jews decided NOT to go up on the Har Habyis tonight, nothing would change! Nothing!
Why then did we have wars in 1948, 1956, 1967 when we didn't have the Har Habayis! October 7 started because of the Har Habayis, stop listening to the Chareidie false propaganda!

Dusiznies said...

Israel is holding on to tens of thousands of Arab prisoners yet not one claimed that he did it because a Jew ascended to the Har Habyis! If he had said it you can be sure that the Leftist Press collaborating with Chareide Phoney Press would be on it like a bee on crap! It is the leftist press with the Chareidei Loshon Hara press with their ARAB Headlines that are instigating and provoking and putting these ideas into their heads! Shame on all of them!

Dusiznies said...

8:49 Fart
I don't know what the Rambam said, but I'll tell you what he actually did! He went up to the Har Habayit!

As far as the Sanhedrin is concerned even a child learning the Rambam sees that the Rambam gave a clear path to have a Sanhedrin!

As far as R' Karo is concerned he actually started the process with semicha etc it didn't work out for different reasons, he didn't put it into his Shulachan Aruch because he doesn't address "Yemois Hamashiach" and "maalchim at all!

I see you pick and choose, I can also pick and choose ... Mr Skunk Cap!
And this argument is over, I publish this site for my opinions, your opinions you can put in Der Shturmer!

As far as Asher Karni is concerned the Judge in the case actually thought that he was innocent, very nice that you left that out!
" U.S. District Judge Richard M. Urbina told Karni that although he now believes Karni's deeds might have been done innocently"
He sentenced him to teach others (like the Viznitzers) a lesson!
Either way you call those who oppose the Skunk Caps and the 2 button frocks "Modern Jews" again using ad hominem attacks on Gedoilei Hador
I will put a stop to it!

Anonymous said...

"Ohr HaChaim", not "Orach Chaim"

Plini said...

Evidence shows that the house of prayer in the Temple Mount was built by a gentile king as a Shul for the Jewish People. Inside that prayer house is many Hebrew inscriptions of Jewish prayers.