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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Grandmother of twice wounded soldier in Gaza attacked by Charedi protesters


Yocheved Djerbi, whose grandson was wounded in battle twice, walked passed a demonstration against haredi conscription in Jerusalem on Wednesday and was assaulted by protesters.

Djerbi was appalled by the protesters' behavior and shared with Arutz Sheva-Israel National News: "My grandson was wounded twice and is currently in rehab after being seriously wounded, and I walk past by on the street and see these haredi protesters. They have no share in our country."

She added: "They must enlist and carry the yoke like all of the grandchildren, children, and the entire nation of Israel. As I walk by, they throw water and spit at me as I tell them that they have no share or part in the State of Israel."

In conclusion, she stated: "My demands are that everyone must bear the yoke of the entire nation. I am shaking, unfortunately. It pains me to see this situation."


Feivel said...

All though I look like them, I am blessed to ask myself with regards to my behavior "How would Rav Moshe Feinstein or Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky conduct themselves?"

Garnel Ironheart said...

The Chareidi leadership knows that hatred from the outside is important to keep the ghetto walls strong so they do what they can to encourage it.