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Monday, August 26, 2024

Kamala' Staff Has a 92% Turnover Rate Raises Questions About Her Leadership Style


Kamala Harris has faced growing scrutiny over the high turnover rate among her staff, leading many to question the authenticity of her public persona and leadership style. Since taking office in January 2021, Harris has seen a staggering 92% turnover among her staff, with only 4 out of her original 47 hires remaining.

This alarming rate of staff departures has fueled speculation about the work environment in the Vice President’s office. Critics argue that the “Joy!” campaign, which has been a significant part of Harris’ public image, might not reflect the reality behind closed doors.

Reports from her time as Attorney General of California have resurfaced, painting a picture of a demanding and, at times, authoritarian leadership style. According to Terry McAteer, the father of a former intern, Harris required her staff to stand every morning when she entered the office and address her as “General.”

“Good morning, General,” they were reportedly forced to say, as per McAteer’s account. He further alleged that his son, Gregory McAteer, who interned for Harris, was instructed never to look Harris in the eye or address her directly, as this “privilege” was reserved for senior staff members only.

“Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members,” McAteer stated.

1 comment:

Circle said...

Could you imagine if a report like this surfaced about Trump?
It would be plastered on the front page of every newspaper, even international. The the intern would be a guest on every TV show.
Now? Bump.