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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Chareidie Cowards In Total Panic As Ben-Gvir Takes more of their Votes so they Condemn Him in Arabic

Chareidim are very naive, and think that if Arabs will know that they prohibit Jews from going up to the Har Habayis, then they will stop raping and killing Jews! No Arab killed a Jew because he went up to the Har Habayit, Arab don't need excuses to kill and rape Jews! 
They think that by writing in Arabic, Arabs will finally understand the difference between Zionist Jews and Anti-Zionist Jews! How naive and downright stupid! 
But in this article is a hidden agenda, they need to make Ben-Gvir looking like an extreme lunatic! 
Why? Because the latest polls show that he made unbelievable inroads into the Chareidie Community, who would vote for him in the coming elections, which will hurt the Chareidei Parties! They need to get rid of him ASAP! 
The Largest Loshon Hara Yated Ne'eman newspaper harshly criticized Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Tuesday, with an advertisement featuring Arabic text against Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount appearing on the front page of the newspaper.

"Minister Ben-Gvir repeats folly and endangers the residents of the Land of Israel," reads the front page.

"By the order of our revered rabbis, we state publicly: It is known that according to all Jewish halachic throughout the generations, Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount, referred to by Muslims as 'Al-Aqsa compound,' is strictly forbidden. This view has not changed and remains in force."

Polls show that Ben-Gvir is getting more and more Charedie Votes, and must stop him at all costs! 

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir was interviewed Monday by Galei Tzahal and said, "The policy allows for prayer on the Temple Mount, and there is an equal law for Jews and Muslims." Ben-Gvir added, "I would establish a synagogue there."

The Prime Minister's Office commented on the proposal: "There is no change in the status quo on the Temple Mount."

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put Ben-Gvir in his place.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu must immediately act to put Mr. Ben-Gvir in his place regarding his statements this morning about the Temple Mount. His irresponsible remarks test Israel's strategic alliances with Muslim countries that are part of the coalition in the fight against the Iranian axis of evil. His lack of wisdom could cost lives," he said.

Ben-Gvir's associates responded, 'The tireless leftist flatterer Moshe Arbel, who is being promoted by [journalist] Ben Caspit and the extremist left, has been eyeing the position of Supreme Court judge since entering the Knesset. He is an ingratiator to the left, the Arabs, the judicial system, and in the case of the Temple Mount also to Hamas and the Waqf. His constant accusation against Jews creates a security risk. Shas voters voted for the right and got Moshe Meretz Arbel."


Anonymous said...

I happen to agree that ascending Har Habayit without prior proper purification is a tremendous mistake, but this announcing to Arabs is a total misunderstanding of their Jihadi mindset; they do not need any reason to attack other than that they hate us on Har Habayit or anywhere else in Eretz Yisrael. The criticism in my opinion is justified but not at all because of annoying Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Depends on which arabs & how message is conveyed.Though most previous shoddy attempts admittedly have fallen short.

Ich Lach Zich Aus said...

It's true that Arabs always have a thirst for blood but if informing them that Charedim are against the totally reckless Tzionim is as 'useless' as DIN is trying to propagandize you into believing, he wouldn't be shreying with such guzma & fervor!

Garnel Ironheart said...

What do you expect? These are the same people that believed the Satmar when he said that Zionism was the cause of Jew hatred.
But Ben Gvir was misquoted. He didn't say "I would establish a synagogue" but "I would if I could" but he can't so there won't be one.

Sammy k said...

Arabs will always kill but u don't have to ask them to kill u by building a shul in their masque