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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sweden to Arab Immigrants: "Go Back to Where You Came From Will Give $34,000 Just Go Home!


 Johan Forssell, who will turn 45 this December, was appointed Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy in the cabinet of Conservative Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson on Tuesday, and already we’re hearing groundbreaking news from him, namely, that Sweden is willing to pay Arab immigrants as much as $34,000 to please, please, go back to where they came from.

At one point, American liberals regarded Sweden as a model of the Scandinavian welfare state, viewing it as a source of inspiration. But alas, today’s Sweden holds the unfortunate title of having the highest incidence of gang-related homicides in Europe.

Sweden has taken in a large number of migrants since the 1990s, mostly from the former Yugoslavia, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, and Iraq.

After a quarter century with a heavy flow of asylum seekers, Sweden also has the lowest average age among serious offenders, with minors as young as thirteen being apprehended for murder. A growing number of suburban areas are designated as “particularly vulnerable zones,” where police operations are described as “difficult, nearly unfeasible.” In simpler terms, these regions are considered no-go areas, dominated by local gangs, and first responders are reluctant to enter without protective gear and police accompaniment.

It’s like Gaza with snow.

As gang-related violence transcends national borders, neighboring Scandinavian countries are increasingly apprehensive about potentially facing what is referred to in Denmark as the “Swedish condition.” In a departure from a longstanding taboo, the Swedish government has sought military support to aid the police. The situation has escalated to the extent that Erik Thedeen, the governor of the Bank of Sweden, declared that the escalating incidents of shootings and bombings pose a significant threat to the nation’s long-term economic stability.

This is when Minister Johan Forssell decided – or at least is the most recent Swedish leader to decide – on a blessed merging of the Bank of Sweden and the Asylum program of Sweden.

Sweden plans to pay up to $34,000 to immigrants who leave.

I hear Gaza is nice this time of the year. Ask about the slopes.

Starting in 2026, immigrants who voluntarily return to their countries of origin would be eligible to receive up to 350,000 Swedish kronor ($34,000). “We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in our migration policy,” Minister Forssell told reporters.

Forssell is a member of the liberal-conservative Moderate Party, supporting tax cuts, the free market, civil liberties, and economic liberalism. Globally, it is a full member of the International Democracy Union and the European People’s Party.

Earlier this month, PM Kristersson reshuffled his cabinet, and Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard was made the new Foreign Minister. Forssell replaced her as Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy. He stated that he intended to keep with Stenergard’s policies and maintain Sweden’s lowest immigration numbers of the 21st century that had been reached on her shift.

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Anonymous said...

$34.000 ? They fly out to take the cash and they come back… a month later.

Of great importance said...

Spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Melbourne Australia has high taxes on cigarettes, so illegal cigarettes are popular with the middle Eastern gangs. Over 100 cigarette stores and been burnt to the ground just this year by Lebanese crime gangs. Such a blessing.