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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hear Rav Shteinman z"l say that those Rabbanim flying to the US to Collect Money have "absolutely no amunah"


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anonymous said...

What's amunah?

Brisker Payois said...

'"amunah" is a chumas and falafal dish! Some say that it is a flovor in an ice cream cone! Happy now?

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that when Rav Shteinman. Came to the USA he lost his emunah for a week or 10 days???
Am I the apikoires or are you the apikoires ???

Dusiznies said...

You are not an apikoras! You are just a dumb idiot!
In the video you clearly hear Rav Shteinman z"l say multiple times that those who travel to the US for $$$$ clearly lack in "amunah and bitachon"
Now let me teach you a lesson in history!
When Rav Shteinman and the Gerer Rebbe traveled to the US and Canada they DIDN'T go for money they went to be "mechazek" Klall Yisrael in Chut Le'aaretz, but that didn't stop Satmar from hiring buses packed with their stinky sheep to protest Rav Shteinman's visit in Monsey at the Atrium. Hundreds of Satmar Romanian savages were outside on that faithful Motzei Shabbas screaming "Yemach Shmo" at him! Why? Because he said that those not learning should enlist in the IDF!