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Monday, September 16, 2024

Hamas Nazis Join Ant-Zionist Chareidim to Protest Shul in Cedarhurst


Anti-Zionist Chareidim and Hamas supporters showed up today to protest a synagogue in Long Island. Why? 

Simply because the community is Jewish. This blatant display highlights how anti-Zionism often masks outright hatred of Jews, despite claims to the contrary.

Pro-Hamas groups targeted the synagogue in a residential neighborhood in Cedarhurst, NY, but Israel supporters and community members were there to counter them. Loud and proud, they drowned out the hateful voices. A big thank you to everyone who showed up, and to the Nassau County Police Department for ensuring the safety of all involved.

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Anonymous said...

B’mechilas kovodoch, I strongly object to your headline.
These are NOT “Ant-Zionist Chareidim”
They are Ant-Zionist Niturei Karta. Not chareidim in ANY shape or form.

They are misguided people that hopefully will do Teshuva one day.

Please do not conflate chareidi levush with chareidy philosophy.

NK are separate and apart from all chareidi hashkofa.

They. Are. Even. Far. Apart. From. Satmar.

You know it!

Therefore, please don’t spread false rumors. Even the biggest Anti Zionist would never demonstrate in front of a Shul.

These are sick, sick people. And hopefully, as I stated , they should be zoiche to do Teshuva b’meherah b’yameinu

Dusiznies said...

They "are not far from Satmar" they are actually on the same page in their entire hashkafa! The only thing they differ on is that Satmar will not meet with Iran or Palestinian leaders! But the philosophy is exactly the same they only differ in approach! They are educated in Satmar Moisdois and they quote directly from the Divrei Yoel!

In a week from Sunday both feuding Satmar Brothers will join Neturei Karta in a massive protest against Israel! Thet will stand together in achdus, all this while Jewish children in uniform are being murdered on a daily basis!

You say " do not conflate chareidi levush with chareidy philosophy." Why not?
How about a guy with a Modern Orthodox Levush, don't you immediately judge him on his levush?
If you answer "of course not" you are being disingenuous!
These are not "rumors" unfortunately.

You also state:
"Even the biggest Anti Zionist would never demonstrate in front of a Shul"
That is a false statement! Satmar protested in front of a Monsey Shul when Rav Shteinman was inside davening. They also protested in front of a shul against Rav Moshe Shterbuch while he was in a shteeble in Williamsburg davening, that was on his last visit to the USA, I covered that protest!

Brisker Payois said...

When the Belzer Rebbe came to the USA in the 70's they were massive organized protests by Satmar in front of the Belzer Bais Medrish in Boro Park. On Friday Night they totally disrupted the tish that took place in a Public School! All this while the Beirach Moshe z"l was Satmar Rebbe! What a disgrace!
The Satmar Rebbe z"l R' Yoilish did come out with a strong statement against the Neturei Karta but never threw them out of his moisdois, and allowed them to intermarry in his community!
They davened in his shul on Bedford Avenue. Satmar also has an organization called "Netrunie" whose office is in the same building as Der Yid, and this organization funded the Neturei Karta for many years, though I think that NK is now also funded by Iranian NGOs! Netrunie the Satmar organization takes out full-page ads in secular media to denigrate Israel, parroting word for word the NK agenda! Wake up and smell the coffee!

Anonymous said...

You ask: “How about a guy with Modern Orthodox Levush, don’t you immediately judge him on his levush?”
No- I don’t. I really don’t. Contrary to the way some people were brought up, I was taught that levush, at most, is just an identification of who you affiliate with in principle. Nothing more.
You get to know the person. Not the levush.

Additionally, I ask you the following question:
Was the Arab dressed up as a chareidi…..that was caught last week, was he an Anti-Zionist CHAREIDI?

(2) Nobody ever joined goyeshe roitzchim demonstrating in front of a Shul. Ever.
This is a NK new mesorah.

Yes, you are unfortunately correct, Back in the 70’s some people were demonstrating in front of a Shul. I cringe, but that was infighting. Not that I’m justifying the behavior. I certainly do not. But nobody joined with goyim. What NK did in cedarhurst was inexcusable! They joined with the enemy.

Also, the people that demonstrated by Harav Steinmen Ztzv’kl in Monsey were RADICALS. They were not mainstream Chareidi Satmar . Or Chareidi Litvaks. Don’t bring a raya from that.

In summary, I stand by my previous post
Don’t conflate L’evush with chareidi philosophy.
And remember, that we have amongst us some people that are radicals. Don’t lump us together. Please! They don’t represent mainstream chareidim and an association should never be made.

All the best