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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

43% increase in US Trade with Iran .. as Biden-Kamala Continue to Warm relations with Terrorist State


US-Iran Trade Soars as Regime Bankrolls Terror Proxies

A State Department report reveals a 43% increase in US-Iran trade in 2023, reaching $81.3 million. 

Despite claims of trading mainly agricultural goods and medicine, concerns grow over how Iran uses economic gains to fund terror proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Iranian oil revenues have surged over $90 billion under eased sanctions.


Vantz said...


J.D.'s Jewish Chief of Staff is not frum but he went to a Modern Orthodox elementary school

Garnel Ironheart said...

A senior Qatar politician is getting the red carpet in Ottawa today

Anonymous said...

Harris-Biden foreign policy in a nutshell: Ease sanctions on Iran, impose sanctions on innocent Israeli citizens.