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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

In 1869 Arabs almost Murdered the Ben Ish Chai on his Visit to the Mearas Ha'Machpilah

Theodore Herzl was only 9 years-old when the incident reported in last week's Ami magazine happened!
There was no Zionism and they were no Zionists in the entire world! Yet that didn't matter to the murderous Arabs, they didn't want a Jew davening at the Me'aras Ha'machpilah!

The reason I am posting this is because both Satmar and the Neturei Karta are trying to convince us that Jews and Arabs lived peacefully side by side until Zionism lifted its "ugly" head, so to speak. 
Of course these are all lies; one only has to read the letter to "Tieman by the Rambam 850 years ago to see that Arabs were always torturing and murdering Jews hundreds of years before anyone uttered the word "Zionist!" 

Arabs don't want Jews living in Eretz Yisrael even if there were no Zionists living there! 
Just weeks ago Der Goy featured an alter chusid from Yerushalayim who told the yiddish rag that his father told him the lie that Jews lives in peace with their Arab neighbors without mentioning that there were sniper attacks on Jews on a daily basis.
Now I have to say that there were some Jews that lived with some Arab families in peace, but what does that prove? 
There were families that lived good with the Germans until the Nazis took over! 
It's time to disabuse the Chassidishe Oilim of these fabricated lies and propaganda! 



LES AYM said...

What magazine is that? I'd like to read it.

LES AYM said...

Um, my point was not for you to just post my comment. You posted this story and so I asked if you can share with us the magazine source so I can read the original....please?

Anonymous said...

A.It's wasn't a concerted
B.As Consulates began to take over,it became less.

Dusiznies said...

Les Ayim
It was in Ami Magazine Last week's issue back page. If you want to communicate privately with me you can send me an email

"it wasn't concentrated? " How about the 1929 Chevron Massacre was that "concentrated?"
your "B" is totally incoherent!

שרה ליין said...

Les A
The article posted by DIN, is in its entirety nothing more in the article!

LES AYM said...

First, I had no way to know that.
Second, if I share a story with someone it's important to know the source and pass it on, and to know its reliability.

LES AYM said...

DIN, thank you, I didn't email you because it wasn't a personal request, I wanted to read the source and assumed others here too would.
Btw now that we know it's from AMI, how can you trust the story's reliability if it comes from that AMI Rag?

Anonymous said...

Buttressing your rube ignorance.
'Concerted' as opposed to random & without organized agenda
B.Though naturally zionistm hated that others were protecting us[even were they to be better at it ] & pulled the rug out from underneath
Reality was the European influence moved in,& Jews were entitled to their protection these unfortunate incidents were becoming less & less

Dusiznies said...

"Concerted" "shancerted" What difference does it make to a murdered Jew whether he was murdered "concerted" or "random?" So you are saying that the British were better in protecting us? Ha Ha...How naive! What about Chevron in 1929? Wasn't that perpetrated by the Mufti? Where were the British antisemites? Hmmmmm? Your convoluted comment makes absolutely no sense and is blatantly false! Your entire premise is Satmar and Neturei-Karta propaganda!