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Friday, September 13, 2024

Media Assures Americans That Migrants Haven’t Killed Any Cats, They Just Kill and Rape Women And Children



Garnel Ironheart said...

First of all, a quick Google search will show that the Left anticipated this migrant crime issue and already produced a bunch of studies "proving" that migrants don't increase crime rates.
Second, this was Trump's biggest struggle. If he claimed they increased crime, he could've pushed back against the expected denials. But cats? That just looks stupid on him.

Dusiznies said...

I used to travel a lot many years ago..and you may think that I am crazy but I was in Haitia and traveled
to Asia ,and I can tell you 100% Haitians eat their pets including cats. In China, they eat dogs, even their own. I have photos of them eating cats, selling bar-b-que rats in the markets! I wasn't surprised to hear this and I'm positive that ABC will retract that Trump "cat" mocking. Sooner then you think!
But that is not here or there, the media would rather focus on the cats than the disastrous Biden record and that is What Trump should have done! But Trump is Trump!

Anonymous said...

The Mexicans in Monsey chase the wild turkeys. I know of one instance where the Mexican, a fat katchka herself, was successful, which I assume is because the turkey had some kind of disability. It was pathetic to see her shlepping the squabbling bird home to kill & eat. Mexicans have also been seen trying to fell deer by aiming at their heads with large rocks