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Showing posts with label Israel senator gillibrand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel senator gillibrand. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Message to Jews "Drop Dead"!!!!

When will Jews ever learn???? This Machsheifa (Witch) who voted to place Iranian Nuclear Bombs in the hands of the Iranian Murderers, now stabbed her Jewish constituents in the back, by withdrawing her sponsorship from a bill that opposed the boycott of Israeli products!
Stupid Jews keep voting for these liberal democrats who are all hidden anti-Semites. They voted democratic to elect FDR who was directly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews by refusing to bomb the railways to the concentration camps. They voted overwhelmingly twice for Hussain Obama .....

In a rare move and after facing criticism at town hall meetings, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, withdrew her sponsorship of an anti-BDS bill.
A search of the congressional website on Wednesday showed that Gillibrand withdrew her sponsorship. Asked for comment, her spokesman, Glen Caplin, said Gillibrand remains opposed to the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel, and supported the bill’s intentions, but is concerned that its critics are concluding that the bill would impinge on civil liberties.
She wants the bill to remove those ambiguities, Caplin said.
“She wants to see the bill rewritten to see those concerns addressed,” he told JTA in an interview.
He referred to her comments earlier this week at a town hall meeting in Queens in which she said she was withdrawing support for the measure and seeking a modification of the bill to address civil liberties concerns.
“I’m going to urge them to rewrite it to make sure it says specifically this does not apply to individuals,” Gillibrand said at the time, describing her reactions after a meeting with the American Civil Liberties Union, which had objected to the bill.
She did not agree with the ACLU’s reading of the bill, but believed the group had come by it honestly, and was concerned that others would draw the same conclusion.
Gillibrand said her principal concern was that the bill could be read as targeting individuals who participate in the BDS movement.
“This is only applying to companies,” she said. “This applies to those working to undermine foreign policy. It has to be very specific that someone who is in favor of BDS can speak their mind and somebody who is against BDS can speak their mind, but you are always allowed to speak your mind. So I’m going to try and get the bill revised so there’s no ambiguity, that it’s just an extension of this foreign policy, which I think does make sense.”
Activists at multiple town halls had confronted Gillibrand over her support for the bill. Some of the questions were organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, which backs BDS, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, among other groups.
Critics, including the ACLU, say the bill, which expands 1970s era laws targeting the Arab League boycott to include boycotts initiated by international organizations, would inhibit free speech. Another objection from the left is that the bill encompasses boycotts of settlement goods.
Defenders of the bill say its ambit is narrow, and that it only addresses active cooperation with boycotts initiated by foreign governments and international organizations, and would not extend to general declarations of intent to boycott Israel or its settlements.
Most recently, Amnesty International has come out against the bill.
The bill, introduced by Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., is co-sponsored by nearly half the Senate. A similar bill is under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Senator Gillibrand Stabs Jews In The Back ..Ezra Friedlander Silent

Ezra Friedlander with Jewish Tuchis Lekkers fawning over the anti-semite Gillibrand
A senator representing the largest Jewish population in America will shortly reveal if she is backing legislation that is meant to empower anti Israel forces.
New York senator Gillibrand says she will be giving an anti-BDS bill another look given fears that it might undermine free speech.

New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the comment at a town hall meeting int he Bronx this past Saturday. Gillibrand went on a tirade slamming Israel saying, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does “not have a plan for peace.”
“I am concerned that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not have a plan for peace, and doesn’t have a vision for peace,” Gillibrand said Saturday at town hall meeting in the Bronx.
Gillibrand described a meeting she had last year when she led a delegation of senators to Israel.
“In our meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, the question we asked is, what is your vision for peace, and he didn’t have one,” she said.
Gillibrand continued, “He just said my only hope is that I protect my people from rockets”.  “If you don’t have a vision, if you don’t have a plan, then it is never going to happen. And so we do need to require more of our world leaders, and I think a call to action to Israel’s government to have a plan for peace is really incumbent on all of us.”
Gillibrand was responding to a questioner — anti zionist blogger named Mondoweiss, and identified as belonging to Jewish Voice for Peace — who challenged her support for a bill that targets the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The American Civil Liberties Union has said the bill impinges on speech freedoms.
The bill extends existing bans on cooperating with boycotts sponsored by countries to those sponsored by international organizations. It also encompasses boycotts of settlement goods. Defenders of the bill say it is narrowly defined to target only businesses that proactively provide assistance to boycotts organized by international organizations.
“The way I read the bill is not the way you read the bill,” Gillibrand said to the questioner. “I saw the bill as an extension of foreign policy to not allow companies to side with foreign entities that were doing boycotts.”
Gillibrand said she was ready to meet with the ACLU to discuss the bill.
“I am open to looking at the bill again because I do not want to undermine people’s free speech rights on any level,” she said.
Gillibrand puts the onus of peace on the only democratic nation in the entire Middle East and was not even embarrassed to make such stupid statements just hours after 3 innocent Jews in israel were butchered in their own home by Palestinian terrorists.
Gillibrand is known for always running to Boro Park to raise funds for her campaign and other democrats. Many people have been asking if the heavily pro republican community in Brooklyn south would vote for her again.
It’s obvious Gillibrand was never a true friend of Israel and her latest statements prove it.
It’s interesting to note that Jewish lobbyist Ezra Friedlander brought Gillibrand and Congressman Jerry Nadler to Boro Park before the Iran deal took place.
Senator Gillibrand has recently praised Jew hater Linda Sarsour by calling her an “extraordinary woman.”
When will some Orthodox Jews start standing up for Jewish values and stop selling their grandmother for a few dollars?