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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Exposed: The Israeli Attorney General Stopped Netanyahu From Using Air Force Against Hamas on October 7



jack said...

If this is true, then this filthy treasonous Rat Attorney general, needs to be hunted down and exterminated, exactly as you would a rabies infected sewer rat.
The same should be done to every general and officer of the IDF who refused orders of the PM on Oct.7

Anonymous said...

Are you going to kill them? Are you the judge , jury ,and Bais Din all rolled up into one human being? You are good out giving out orders. Do you lead by example? Tell us what you accomplish. Are you capable of doing the hard work these guys have already done?Can you assume their responsibilities.?

Anonymous said...

please provide link to this

Cohen Y said...

If those guys were out of the way likely jack & others would,though it may take a spell eg little Iceland after they refused to fall in with the predominant 'too big to fail'