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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Satmar Newspaper "Der Blatt" Doesn't Mention the word "Belz" When Reporting That a Major Chassidus Will Join the Israeli Curriculum


Sometimes by not saying anything , you accomplish a lot more than by reporting something and then not telling the readers who the subject is.

Thank G-d, Satmar followers have DIN who will decipher all this.

The By line in this Satmar Yiddish weekly rum by the chachumim of the Aroinie Faction, is the second from the bottom that reads as follows:

"Shock and Pain after Reports That a Huge Moisad in Eretz Yisrael will be the first recognized Chareidie Moisad to accept the Israeli "Mamlachtee Chareidie" System from the Misrad HaChiuch and Shmad"

So what did Belz actually accept?

The teaching of Math & English!

Yoi Vei! Yentee please bring me a stiff drink!

1 comment:

na said...

this is why we Charedim can't make pragmatic sensible decisions.

every time we try, we have our right flank (the more extremists) tear us apart, they never miss an opportunity to distort and jump on us and criticise us for not towing THEIR line

Belz already got spooked and is now denying they agreed to anything. what a shame. they should not be afraid to tell the truth.

never mind they only agreed to teach english, hebrew (which everyone speak already anyway) and math... and they did this only because they can get loads of cash from the Israeli government... Belz would never ever teach math because its good for the chilrens future, they do it because the chilonim are willing ready to PAY US to teach OUR children math.... then comes along Satmar and shames Belz for even considering it, and Belz buckels and denies, denies.

What a sad state we chaeredim are in. Belz doing it only for the "$$$" & Satmar shaming us only for "PR". $$$ & PR comes before our children, Rebbes are out for CASH & to stab one another, our children be dammed.