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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pediofile Hanging Around Beit Shemesh Yeshivois trying to seduce them and Roshei Yeshiva do absolutely nothing


The guy in the video says that the police know about this "Chazir" but held him for a day to face a judge who let him go.
The guy is saying that the Police and the hanhala of the Yeshivois are worthless and the only way to prevent this is to talk to the Children!


Anonymous said...

Make Aliya they say. Your children will be safe.

No American with children should consider aliya until the country gets serious about preventing child sex abuse.

The libel law protects perverts from being exposed.

Dusiznies said...

Great point .You are one smart fellow
now ask the victims of the 2 Kolko monsters, and ask the victims of Mondrowitz. While you are at it you can speak to the victims of Heshy Nussbaum, and Lanner, just to mention a few

Anonymous said...

What country is protecting Mondowitz today?

In the US or Canada you are ok IF you call the police.

In Israel you get sued if you inform the neighbors of a child Molester. How long was Weinberg suing Rabbi Horowitz.

Dusiznies said...

Anyone can sue, all you have to do is hire a lawyer, but he lost!
Modrowits is not being "protected" in Israel if that is what you are suggesting, Mondrowitz and Weinberg committed crimes in the "goldene medina" the USA. They didn't commit any crimes that we know of in Israel.

Mendel said...

You need to have an abuser squad (like you have a tzeniut squad) and beat the guy up, once, twice till he learns

Just the facts man said...

Weinberg had a partial victory and was awarded money. I don't understand how the judge was not ashamed when finding Yankel Horowitz "guilty" by splitting hairs that he called Weinberg a fugitive when the NYPD did not start looking for him again until after he was already in Israel, and that is not the same as a regular fugitive who takes off to Israel when he's already wanted.