Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Shlomo Werdiger Shows Will That "supposedly " Names Gerer Rebbe , Gerer Rebbe

It is proof that he wanted the Pnei Menachem as Rebbe after him (known fact).

BUT not that Reb Yaakov Aryeh can't ever be Rebbe.

He writes, that on this particular subject the decision is on the Gerer Rebbe, meaning whoever it is at the helm at the time, be it his brother the Pnei Menachem or son Reb Y aakov Arye or even Reb Shaul Alter

 I don't think there is a Gerer Chusid out there that disputes the fact that the Gerer Rebbe's father Reb Simcha Bunim wanted his son to succeed him. 

The Will does not make the present Rebbe R' Yaakov Aryeh the Rebbe. Chassidim are arguing that after R' Simcha Bunim was nifter the Rebbistiveh should have reverted back to the Pnei Menachem's son who is R' Shaul Alter.

But Shlomo is not the sharpest blade in the drawer! You can have a lot of money but you still cannot buy brains! The will proves nothing! Back to the civil war!


Poilisher Poyer said...

Didn't Ger asser WhatsApp?

Anonymous said...

It is known that RYAA relentlessly harassed the PM during his short 4 1/2 year reign. The PM keyodua was an extremely refined person and had no stamina to stand up againt this bullying and gave in to all the RYAA whims.
In retrospect this was a tragic mistake.
The PM had it in his hands to to name his son RSA as his successor. This would have saved his family from all the subsequent humiliation and Ger Chassidus would not have suffered a 20+ years aimless interregnum, not to talk about the ensuing civil war.

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! said...


UOJ saw your piece & comments on Werdiger: "א פץ בלײבט א פץ"

isaac said...

Did you not realize that Werdiger is not the owner of that twitter account?
They just put his pic there.