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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

He is only days in office and the New Mayor of New York allows non-citizens to vote

 The Chareidim influence just went into the trash as the "non-citizens" are not going to vote the way Chareidim want!


Frum but normaL said...

What else would you expect from filthy treasonous America hating Marxist DemonRats.
Idiot Jews keep voting for their own worst enemies as long as they call themselves Democrat

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow yidden. Are you listening now? Do you care now? DO you understand now how NYC is going down the drain and the beautiful comfortable ghetto you established is about to go bust. All of the people who are like AOC, who voted her in, and whom she represents, will be influencing NYC politics now. Will you only pay attention when the socialist democrats move to take away all your property holdings?

The AOC virus is sweeping through all political circles. Why was Councilman Yaeger afraid to join Councilwoman Inna Vernikov at the rally she led protesting the hate crime committed against an innocent Jewish person wearing an identifiable IDF sweatshirt? Can't Yaeger go against his party? Why was Yaeger so scared to attend, that he told Vernikov to say he was out of town. Vernikov got so much flack and opposition to organizing the protest rally, reportedly including from the former councilman Chaim Deutsch who urged her not to do it.

Please tell, why is standing up against hate crimes discouraged? IS this 1938 Berlin?