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Friday, July 2, 2021

Viznitz "tipshim" Apologise for Trivialising Chabad Death in Florida Condo


Just yesterday we posted an article by "Kol Berama" a Viznitz yiddish newspaper that trivialised the tragedy of the condo collapse in Florida, stating and implying that a few "chabad families missing' in the condo  is no big deal and not the end of the world.

Well this DIN post went viral, and it didn't take long for the editors to place a full page "apology" in today's newspaper.

They claim that their statement

""People originally thought that only a couple of Chabad families perished in the Florida Condos, yes indeed, it is a very big loss, and a terrible tragedy, but it's not something that one has to turn the entire world around."

was misunderstood, and what they meant was that unfortunately the world has become "immune" to tragedies...

What that has to do with their "Chabad", only the writer knows, and he hasn't explained it ..

After rereading their article, nothing they wrote was "misunderstood" ...and their statement trivialising the tragedy and specifically naming the  "Chabad Families" cannot be understood in any other way...

At any rate, DIN is not in a position to accept an apology for Chabad; Chabad being a "benevolent" chassidus will forgive their stupidity. Chabad knows that Viznitzers are not the sharpest blades in the  drawer.


Anonymous said...

DIN stop with your FAKE NEWS.
This was not an apology. This was a clarification of what was clearly written and understood to everyone beside for a few sick Jew haters like yourself. They RESTATED what they wrote the first time, so they wont have haters taking the article OUT OF CONTEXT, to cut and paste in order to create motzi shem rah. You tried. You failed.
But you will get your hard hard earned reward for trying in a very special place. and I thank Hashem for that.

Dusiznies said...

Number one, they did apologise ...they wrote:
"from here on in we will be careful and keep a eye on all that is written on these pages"
So it seems all those who understand Yiddish, understood what they they wrote ...

So Ill give you the space to educate us, and please translate the Yiddish in the article...
also explain why they chose to trivialise specifically Chabad, as most of the dead and missing were not Chabad ..
Ill give you the space
we are all waiting..

Poltical Machine said...

DIN, you're talking to a paid troll. This troll works for Yisroel Hager, the Grand Rabbi of Viznitz, headquartered in Kaser Village NY. You're talking to the wall.

This troll represents Yisroel Hager's personal interests. Not the nice and smart people of Viznitz. Yisroel Hager's interest is to control his people and the people of Rockland County NY. To extract as much money, power and znis (sexual exploitation) as possible from the people he controls.

Yisroel Hager is running the 2nd largest Jewish Political Machine in the USA. Screwing his people badly. The trolls post above was not to you. It was a warning to his people. If you take DIN's side on this then the tribal gods of Viznitz (Yirsoal Hager's secret trolls) will make sure that "...you will get your hard hard earned reward for trying in a very special place. and I thank Hashem for that."

Unfortunately Chabad leaders are working closely with Yisroel Hager. They don't mind Yisroel Hager's tribal gods propaganda. They run the same charade. To extract as much money, power and znis (sexual exploitation) as possible from the nice people of Chabad.