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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Eida Hachreidis Have Their Own Torah


There is a halachic debate whether placing a filter in a mikva, invalidates the entire mikva. Most modern poiskim do not allow a filter placed into a mikva. 

This is not the place to discuss the reasons, however, know, that  even the Zionist Rabbanute doesn't allow it! To keep the mikva clean they change the water on a daily basis or place a floating filter on the surface.

The Eida Hachreidis has their very own Torah and their very own Shulchan Aruch, and they permit placing a filter in the mikva, specifically in the Zupnik Mikva in Yerushalyim.

Well, one of their own, Rav Tuvia Shulzinger, sent off a very strong worded letter to the "tazaddikim" of the Eida Hachreidis warning them that most poiskim are against it ...


akiva said...

so does batei

Uriah’s Wife said...

**The Eida Hachreidis has their very own Torah and their very own Shulchan Aruch, and they permit placing a filter in the mikva, specifically in the Zupnik Mikva in Yerushalyim.**

What about the need for a filter to remove the almost microscopic copepods. If the superfrum need a filter to remove them from drinking water, kal v’chomer they will cause a chatzitza when dunking in the mikva.
LOL ! Unfalsifiable chumra claptrap.