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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Uman: Special terminal for Hasidim In Israel & testing in Ukraine


Minister of Religions Matan Kahana and Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz summarized the outline for the trips to Uman for Rosh Hashanah.

The outline that will be presented to the Corona Cabinet in the coming days has been formulated with broad agreement by Minister Kahana, in coordination with Breslov rabbis and activists and senior officials of the Ministry of Health. Minister Kahana will meet tomorrow with the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel and introduce him to the principles of the outline.

The ministers' guideline was that as long as Ukraine remains a green country, Hasidim would be allowed to travel to Uman, just like any trip to any other green country, according to the guidelines as they are today. The ministers stressed that there would be no discrimination among travelers abroad.

As part of the outline, it was decided to significantly reduce the number of special (charter) flights from Ben Gurion Airport to Ukraine. In addition, the Hasidim's flights will take off from Terminal 1 and the system of tests at Ben Gurion Airport will be reinforced in preparation for the Hasidim's return after Rosh Hashanah.

In addition, a system for tests will be set up in Kiev and Uman ahead of the return flight, under the responsibility of Breslov organizations. Each passenger will have to undergo three tests like any other traveler abroad. Unvaccinated and children under the age of 12 will be required to isolate for 14 days or for seven days with two negative tests.

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