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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Did Biden Make a Deal with Putin to stop Israeli Strikes in Syria?


Pro-Syria news outlets in Lebanon reported recently that Moscow is taking a new tactic with regards to Israel's attacks in Syria.

Last week, a "well-informed" Russian source has told London's Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that Russia has "run out of patience" with Israel's strikes on Syria, after receiving the impression that "Washington does not welcome the continuous Israeli raids."

The report added that as a result of this impression, Russia is now supplying Syrian forces with more advanced anti-missile systems, to aid them in shooting down the Israeli armaments.

In addition, another senior Russian source told Asharq Al-Awsat that Russia has begun helping the Syrian government "close Syrian airspace to Israeli planes." The source added that the decision "is directly connected to the summit between President Putin and President Biden last month."

According to the reports, the communication line for early coordination between Israel's security forces and Russian security forces in Syria no longer exists, since it operated thanks to the direct connection between former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who now heads the opposition, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who saw eye-to-eye with Netanyahu on the issue of preventing Iran's entrenchment in Syria.

A senior Russian official was quoted by Lebanese media as saying that "the early coordination with Israel ended the moment the new government was formed and Netanyahu resigned from his position. You could say that today our connection with the Israeli forces which are on the Israeli side of the border with Syria is completely concrete and interest-based."

The Russian sources told the newspaper that "Moscow was cautious" with regards to Israel's attacks in Syria, "since Israel had a direct line" to Washington, "and coordinated all actions with the US. Now that Russia has a direct connection to the Americans to coordinate, we succeeded in confirming the belief that Washington does not give its blessing to these attacks."

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