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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Gerer put out Fake News photos of Lizman learning with Gerer Rebbe

Notice the above photo of a young Litzman reading the Hamodia newspapers, but this of course doesn't fit in the Gerer agenda, that the Gerer Rebbe would read a newspaper... 
So they photoshopped the photo and added gemmaras instead.See photo below...
However the gemmarah is the "Oiz Ve'hadar" edition, and the Oiz Ve'hadar edition didn't exist back then ..
Minor detail 



George said...

Somehow, Frummies don't seem to mind lying about anything minor like the above, to fraud involving millions of dollars.

Anonymous said...

Meh, anyone can do a cheap photo shop like that. Any indication that this was circulated by a mainstream Ger source?

Anonymous said...

The Gerrer Rebbe has enough dow to bow out gracefully and let his cousin Reb Shaul Alter lead the Chassidus.
Take an example from the pope, go home and enjoy your old age.
Veha Meivin yovin vehaeino Meivin eyno rotze lehovin.