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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Viznitz Yiddish Newspaper about Florida Tragedy...." I'ts only a couple of Chabad families.l"


I wasn't going to print this but once they themselves printed it in their own newspaper, Kol Berama, for the entire world to see , I decided to post it.

Loose translation of the circled sentences

"People originally thought that only a couple of Chabad families perished in the Florida Condos, yes indeed, it is a very big loss, and a terrible tragedy, but it's not something that one has to turn the entire world around."


Anonymous said...

Leave the Viznitzers alone.
Nice people, no IQ.

Propaganda and Trolls said...

Viznitz are nice people.
Not their leader Yisroel Hager or his secret trolls.
They play pacifist, then creep up on you like the Chinese Communist Party.

Yisroel Hager secretly also works with "anti-Semites" Lawrence Garvey and Ed Day, both screwing their people, then laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

As someone who can read Yiddish very well, I can tell you DIN is again taking a sentence totally out of context in order to spread unfounded hatred towards Jews. Classic blood libel Aryan elitism.

The Progressive haters of our government have lot to learn from your fake news style DIN...

Dusiznies said...

It seems that my yiddish is better than yours, because the newspaper seems to agree with me, and issued an apology today and said that in the "future they will be more careful editing articles."
Why did they issue a full page apology?
There was nothing "taken out of context" as there was no reason for those "tipshim" to single out "Chabad" as most of the Jewish frum missing and dead victims weren't Chabad.

Note to you: Yiddish is definitely not your language

Vizhnitzer Shoiteh said...

LOL! Turns out that DIN was correct, and that the ones "spreading unfounded hatred towards Jews" were the Viznitzers themselves. All DIN did was to expose them. But since you wrote "As someone who can read Yiddish very well" please translate in "your well yiddish" what the Vizniterz wrote, and why they had to insert "chabad families" in their post.


No wonder back in Europe before the war, they were known as "MARMAROSHER FERDEN"