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Friday, July 2, 2021

Reb Pinya Korf's Levayeh .... 38 Years Ago Satmar Guys cut his beard off for teaching Tanye


Reb Pinye z"l davening  in his hospital room a week ago



Anonymous said...

Korf, not Karp


Know your place said...

A person must know their place. The place of a Lubavitcher is not in Williamsburg trying to convert the natives to their Habad religion.

Dusiznies said...

You remind me of Shvartzas & Arabs, they can go and they can live wherever they want, but a white guy cannot go into Brownsville or East New York and survive, a Jew cannot enter Rammalla but a Arab from Rammalah can go anywhere he wants ..
So a Lubavitcher cannot go into Williamsburg, G-d forbid... but a Satmarer can go into any Chabad house he chooses ...
Just like Shvartzas and Arabs

ThisisMoe said...

We need all types of shomrei Torah umitzvos. We are all in Hashem army to defeat the yetzer horah. It makes no difference if you are a Lubavitcher,Satmerer,etc.We are all important.😊

Anonymous said...

Fantastische! Now this one is talking. Indeed a Jewel that are the Jewish people must understand that a gem has many facets to shine. None of us can put God Almighty ruler of the Universe in a box like the MEDIA race to exploit by IP violations and thuggery. Need anyone be reminded that merchants (are) neighborly in Israel....side by side and having coffee together as their children frolic at the river. none of these having one-anther's language because children do not know nor understand prejudice nor politics.
Every people have in their own midst a big brother and as such those insist for all to focus their attentions on the real deal that is soon to come and not the temporal, imperfect and less than worthy place.
Can a little sibling have a temporal pacifier? Sure, let the child have their 'Binky and their Num Num'. Where is family in all of this? Some are close, some are far, and others are missing. WHY? Should we shun Hermit Musser, and trash the seers in our midst, or those with incredible healing gifts? Who is the giver, should we critique Him for whom HE speaks to. God Almighty ruler of the universe is so incredibly gracious, making many including enemies cry with regret. How could ANYONE put away the Tanakh at the back any study hall!!! Shall we allow strangers to use the Torah like a coaster to rest their baseball cup on?!?!?
What's with community hitmet What is this activity that seems to think that our Lord can't see any of it? The Jewish people are a nation of rabbis and the task is to shine the light of God's WORD.
When it's about security Shabbes sends out Hatzala and word.