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Thursday, July 1, 2021

R' Pinye Korf Chabad Chasid Who Had His Beard Cut off by Satmar 38 years ago ...Passes On

38 years ago on Parshas Pinchas, Satmar hooligans grabbed R' Pinye Korf  z"l, and like the Nazis, cut his beard & peyos off.

What was his crime? 

He gave a shiur in Tanye in a private Williamsburg apartment.
This week on that exact day, 38 years later, R' Pinye passed away.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe in his L'kutei Sichos mentions the incident ...



Anonymous said...

His name is Rabbi Korf not karp

Back to Crown Heights said...

Why was he going where he wasn't wanted?

If a Lubavitcher missionary is trying to convert Jews to his religion, pushback is coming to him.

Anonymous said...

how about the boy that he learned with asked him to learn with him? and rabbi korf called his father and he agreed that he can come to learn with his son,

so how about find out before you write.