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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Two Different Poems Written by Survivors of the Nazi Atrocities

The first poem that I decided to post was written by Ya'akov Silberberg, and it criticizes Hungarian patriotism even while working as slaves for the cursed Nazis.....

 Reading it I found similarities in the mindset of today's Jews in Chutz Le'aartz.

Ya'akov Silberberg, was one of the Sonderkommandos prisoners forced by the Nazis to aid with the disposal of Jews killed in the gas chambers in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp......

Things are good for us among the gentiles, in their land, in their company.
Their culture serves as our eyes.
And if at times they persecute us in the wickedness,
Is that a reason for us not to seek their welfare?
We will wait until their hostility is spent
and they will appreciate and respect us doubly.
Then life with them will be pleasant again;
We will befriend them
And even gain their affection.
we will stay in the beautiful exile.
Where we have honey, filth, and dung.
It is good for us to serve Egypt.

The second poem that I decided to post was written in January 1944, by Jerachmiel Schwarcz, on a train carrying him and his fellow slave laborers to Szombathely.

This poem longs for Eretz Yisrael while he was in hell!

Oh, to finally return home / to my beloved country, ancient landscape ... / where the sea glistens blue / and the daughter of Zion sings;

Where the star of freedom shines / and an aroma fill the air, / the moon's halo is blue / and atop Mount Hermon frosty dew gleams;

Where the fields, blessed by God / still yield abundant produce, / and in a spacious garden / are reddening fruit and good wine.

Every vineyard is productive, morning winds / blow through greenish foliage, / and the leaves of grass tremble / like a golden gem.

The eternal city of Jerusalem is borne heavenward / on the mountaintops. / Oh, if only I could go home again / to the blue sea and shining light,

To my ancestral land, the land of freedom / where my people's heart sings and makes music.

Reading them back to back, gives one a perspective how frum Jews think...
On one hand, they hope that their  goyishe neighbors  will get over their anger and be nice to them again ..
and on the other hand they yearn to see Eretz Yisrael...
In their eyes it's not a contradiction.. 

You don't have to "yearn" anymore ....it's here ... 
And the goyim will no longer give you respite.... 
there aren't any more countries to flee to..



Pollster said...

While Sleepy Joe Biden is an invalid, his handlers are not.


Ferd-Face Kamala is married to meshumod Dougie Emhoff Esq. who grew up in this NJ temple.

This is calculated to bring back the Liberal Jewish vote scared off by Obama. The loser Liberals will probably view the meshumod as a plus even though Kamala is pro-nuclear-Iran and most other things detrimental to Israel. There is enough of a mirage for the Liberals to delude themselves that this is not Obama Act II when the climate is right to become even more boldly anti-Israel than Obama would dare.

Monsey said...

One who transgresses the direction of doctors in preserving one’s health during an epidemic is a great sinner before G-d, for the halacha is: Chamira sakanta m'issura (Chulin 10). Especially when his actions can cause the spread of the sickness, it is gadol avono minso.

(Rav Akiva Eiger - Igros - letter 73)

The selfish people who crowd Monsey supermarkets without masks are not only breaking the law but there are immuno-compromised people coming to shop who you are putting in danger. There is no vaad in Monsey who shop for these people and it is not so easy to get deliveries so they come to the store in person. You selfish people should be ashamed of yourselves that even when a store manager tells you to put your mask on you wait until he walks away to remove it again. It is shocking how in supermarkets the roiv of shoppers are not wearing masks and the worst of all is Rockland Kosher that only a few yechidim are wearing masks.