Wednesday, August 12, 2020

New Feature by DIN .... Learning the Writings of Harav Kook on Eretz Yisrael Part 1

Many readers have e-mailed me showing an interest in learning Harav Kook's Toras...

Rav Kook's writings are not easy reading for many reasons. 
First, the Hebrew that Harav Kook's uses is very poetic and the words are not commonly used. Secondly, he writes assuming you are fluent in the entire Tanach.. and finally his concepts are very deep ....

I have decided to focus on his essays vis a vis Eretz Yisrael... and have gleaned from his writings his thoughts on the connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel...

 I will periodically post Rav Kook's thoughts on this topic ...

I have decided to begin with his essay from Orot, 
"Eretz Yisrael" chapter 1.
 I supplied footnotes wherever I found it necessary.

Please send me feedback .. if you want me to continue, because it's not an easy task.

Israel & the Jewish People 
 Gleaned from the writings of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z”l

Part One

ארץ- ישראל איננה דבר חיצוני, קנין חיצוני לאמה, אמצעי למטרה של ההתאגדות הכללית, והתחזקת קיומה החמרי 1, או אפילו הרוחני 2.
ארץ-ישראל היא חטיבה 3 עצמותית 4, קשורה בקשר-חיים עם האומה, חבוקה בסגלות פנימיות עם מציאותה 5. 
ומתוך כך אי-אפשר לעמוד על התוכן של סגולת קדושת ארץ-ישראל,ולהוציא לפועל מאת עומק חבתה, בשום השכלה רציונלית אנושית, כי-אם ברוח האשר על האומה בכללה, 

1. ראה לנתיבות- ישראל חלק אמאמר ב‘ ” על הפרק
2. עיין עוד עין-איה ברכות חלק בפרק ואות מ.
3. ראה לשון אונקלוס דברים כו, יח, בהשוואה לדברי רשי 
4. עיין אורות-הקודש חלק ג’, מוסר-הקודש פרק עט [עמוד קיז]
5. עיין כוזרי ב, ט-טז, רמבן ויקרא יח, כהבתיתו לנו את הארץובספר ברית-הלוי לרבי שלמה אלקבץ 
דף מא. מי-מרום חלק יא פרשת שלח- לך, עמעג-עד 

English loose Translation
The land of Israel is not something external, it’s not an external national asset, a means to an end of collective solidarity 1 and the strengthening of the nation’s existence, physical or even spiritual.
The Land of Israel is an essential unit bound by the bond-of-life with the Nation, united by inner characteristics with its existence. 
Therefore, it is impossible to appreciate the content of the sanctity of the Land of Israel and to actualize the depth of love for her by some rational human understanding…. One understands this only by the spirit of Hashem that is in the soul of Israel. 

The Land of Israel is not a means to an end of collective solidarity1 but rather an end in itself. 
It defies rationalism; it is a mystical dimension, just like the concept of "Kedusha" which by definition cannot be understood rationally.

We see that the hope of the Land of Israel is what gives the Diaspora the strength to continue to exist.
The essential difference between the Judaism of the Diaspora and that of the Land of Israel.

1.In halacha we do find the concept that the Land of Israel, bonds individual Jews into a collective, something that cannot occur outside the land… Rav Kook, of course, subscribes to this halachic notion… his objection is leveled at who say that the Land is merely a cohesive factor to bond Jews together… Rav Kook is emphatic that the Land of Israel must not be viewed as a means to an end but rather as an end in itself..
( See Berachos 58a, Rambam Hilchot Berachot 10:11 Avnei Nezer, Orach Chayim, Teshuva 314, citing Maharal, Netivot Olam, Netiv ha’Tzadaka, chap 6) 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little at a time in order to digest... More and more are learning his works , as there are best selling books about him in English.
