Yiddish loose Translation by DIN (only partially)
The Viznitzer Rebbe from Bnei-Brak just arrived in Willamsburg
We are notifying our brothers, students and chassidim of our Holy Rabbi from Satmar, may his merit protect us,
To be warned not to have even the slightest idea to go to any of his welcome parties, G-d forbid!
Those who give him even the slightest honor are caught in the web of honoring "rashaim" which is one of the harshest sins!
Visnitz vote in the tumedikeh elections (of the State of Israel) that the Rebbe z"l said is one of those sins that one should allow himself to be killed rather than to vote!
Viznitz takes money from the Zionists that the Rebbe z"l says is forbidden ...
Above all, it is known that the Moetzes Gedoilei HaTorah that the Viznitzer Rebbe is a member of, has approved the draft in the IDF which is Gezeiras Shmad .....which means that the Viznitzer Rebbe has a part in destroying Klall Yisrael!
Satmar goons protesting the Viznitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak!

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Its ok to make a Chillul Hashem by annexing parts of Monroe, antagonizing the gentile neighbors, but its not ok to honor a competing Rebbe from a different chassidus!
This minhag of embarrassing other Rabbonim goes back to pre ww2 days of Siget, Krula and Satmar ....
the chickens have come back to roost!
Ouch cry baby cry you schmuck, but you disgusting skunk you're allowed to attack and calling all kinds of names just almost all the gedoilei yisroel were zoiche to get a portion from you including gedoilei yisroel from 100-200 years ago, oh yeah and including this viznitzer rebbe, but you know what they at least have some reason they might be right or wrong, but you do it just to prove that you're a descendent of Amalek NOT Jewish at all
Sick animals
They do not deserve the air they breath.
May they all soon join their holy brothers in Teheran
Why even acknowledge these jerks they're not even jewish.
Satmar is a Muslim cult just like lev tahor and all the other crazies
Anyone anything and anywhere is better than Zionism and the atheistic murderous Nazi-zionist mafia regime
So what else is new? Chasidim of St. Mary called a Rebbe a Rasha.
Duh! Its a common thing by them, the whole world are resha'im except them
"This minhag of embarrassing other Rabbonim goes back to pre ww2 days of Siget, Krula and Satmar"
how right you are,and this must be publicised because this generation doesn't know the vicious MACHLOKES and fighting and intrigue that was carried on by these Romanian Gypsy Satmar gangsters led by their so called Rebbe Reb.Yoilish,and what were they fighting about ? small little hamlets with maybe 35 Jews were it belongs to wheter it belongs to this town and it's Rav or the other one.these satmar barbarians had MACHLOKES with "Munkatch,Belz,spinka,Vishnitz,and even his own nephew the Klausenburger Rav.
Satmar waged a vicious war against the Agudas Yisroel even when their holy leaders the Chofetz Chaim and Imrei Emes were alive and what was he fighting about ? (at leat now his excuse was "Zionism" participating in elections and sitting in the Knesset) "Daf Yomi" and believe it or not the Bais Yaacov girl schools,because according to these Satmar Romanian gypsy savages giving a girl a Jewish education was against the Torah,but of course years later when he was already in America, he realized how wrong he was and was forced to open his own girl school.
We should also publicize the fact that his becoming Rav in Satmar was preceded with years of vicious fighting inside the community,as half of the community did not want him as their Rav under no circumstances as even then at an early age he had this reputation as a BAAL MACHLOKES with a terrible big ego,and his followers had to go to the secular courts and the local police and somehow force him down their throats,so why should we be surprised to see his nephews the two gangsters Aron and Zalmen fighting it out in court after all it's "MINHAG AVOISAINU BEYADEINU"
I am a litvak, I where a gray sweater and a ligjt blue tie. I just stayed in Kiryas Joel for three days i was treated like a king. In the Satmar beis medrash I spoke in learning to people and shmoozed,every one was so nice.
Every faction of Judaism has their garbage. Satmar has woderful people tzadikiim they have some garbage but their garbage makes a lot of noise.
Illiterate Satmar bum 8:50 pm vus kenst nisht English, veisst az dreck heisst "chara" in Arabish.
This is the same Satmar that infested the Nashim Mikveh of Spinka before WWII with frogs & nails ...Nothing has changed ...
When Obama fudged unemployment figures to make them look better for Hillary, yet another group he made sure not to count are Satmar batlonim. Then again, Obama probably does consider anarchy to be gainful employment.
9:59 The Litvak
You are very very naive!
Rav Dutka, you are completely correct! Absolutely agree!
DIN, you are wrong. He is not naive. What he is is truthful.....
NY Post columnist John Crudele was the one who broke the story about falsified unemployment figures. After his column sparked a Congressional investigation, a bunch of officials "retired" and dozens of computers "disappeared".
litvak, did you talk about Israel?
I agree with the litvak. Am a clean shaven professional. When I go to kiryas yoel or williamsburg for simches I get royal treatment.
Can also attest to the fact that ANY Jewish stuck in a hospital gets kosher food delivered by the satmar bikur cholim. Was myself recipient lo aleichem.
While I don't agree with the satmar shitos truth is that it's not all black or white
I vorking very hard mit mechuos. President Obama call me der shverre arbetter.
Viffel zeinen mishpa geven fin Vizhnitzer Tzionim! Oyyyyyyyyy!
These Romanian Jew hating bastards are following in their late godfathers footsteps,we all remember when their so called Rebbe r'Yoilish back in 1954 in a DRASHA in Jerusalem when he was responding to the late holly Belzer Reb Aaron Z"L ruling that it was permitted and is imperative to go and vote for the Agudah during the upcoming elections,this so called Rebbe had the CHUTZPAH and audacity to quote the PASSUK On the holy BELZER RAV " VEYAAS AHRON ES HOAGEL HAZEH" the whole Jewish world was shocked to the core of this CHUTZPAH and gangsterism
Is it a wonder that Reb Yoilish has spawned a generation of Jew hating gangsters and criminal barbarians that is Satmar today .
Some of the worst behavior is not from real Satmar but from pathetic wannabes like Oyberlanders & Franken who dress & act the part of being Satmar. And in the case of one Oyberlander who stayed an Oyberlander, he still acts like an idiot as a way to impress Satmar. One Frank I am thinking of, who is ashamed he is Sefardi, is a lowlife Kapo type. He complains he has a hard time with his kids shidduchim because the heimishe don't recognize his Sefardishe name as anything remotely heimish. Dumb Frank.
there is a whole kehila of franken in buenos aires with satmar levush but r' yoelish told them knock yourselves out mit der levush & fanatical anti-zionism, but you aint allowed to take on satmar minhugim. remain sefardim
Satmar are just a mind-control cult.
They are so inbred that all the fear of gid has left them and they only worry about those two skunk wearing pr*cks that call themselves 'Rebbes'
The Arabs also have Gevaldige Hachnosas Orchim.........
The Arabs also have Gevaldige Hachnosas Orchim......and yes, it is black and white. There's a reason he was a Daas Yochid. Not one Gadol agrees with his Shalosheedis Toire. (Except for Vachtfoigel).
litvak and Yaakov,
again this question, did you bring up the subject of Israel? What do feel about Zionism? You're leaving out information that's the core of this whole thing.Of course everybody is nice when you talk to them one on one. Talk about Zionism not about bikur cholim food. Talk Zionism.we all know about bikur cholim and sholomaleichems, talk Zionism, talk Zionism and then report back.
Here come the shaven litvak TL ers.
So How come they call a bearded rebbe a rasha? Maybe because you shavers dislike Israel?
Rav Dudka and yakov 611, I'm going to call your bluffs. I work upstate in orange County and willing to go with you while carrying a small Israeli flag and Star of David yarmulke into the shul. I'm ready tomorrow, will gladly pick both of you up at the GW Bridge at 8:00 am, let's go.
Most of you guys are just looking - and trying to look at - the bad sides. Look at the good sides! C'mon everyone! We're all heilige Yidden!
The fact that they are nice on a personal level even though they know that you do NOT share their view makes them by definition more tolerant than most of you are. While I agree with most of the criticism against satmar I believe that you cannot reduce all human interaction to 1 hashkafik issue. I do NOT agree with the nivul peh going on here. If someone is such a farbrenter tzioni that he can't be soivel it don't sit in golus.
so how come they reduce Zionists to 1 hashkafa issue? If you want fairness then give it to both sides, obviously, you agree with the anti Zionist hashkafa. Zionists have been reduced to apikorsim and reshayim as a 1 hashkafa issue, so be fair about it The charity that Zionist sympathisers give to other Jews including Chassidic who may be anti Zionist is enormous. They come into shuls and we give them, no questions asked. You want fairness, so be fair also. They do bikor cholim and we give them the funds. we give to their hachnosas kallahs no questions asked. Satmer made Zionism a 1 hashkafa issue and don't stop peddling hate against it. Be fair to all ok?
the worst nivel peh is calling other rabonim, reshoim which they've done for 50 years. You're not bothered by that at all.
very true, but how about considering Zionists also heilige yidden, instead of all those terrible names.
I don't call them names at all! Chas V'Chalillah! They are heilige Yidden as well! We all are, Baruch Hashem.
Whose smicha does RAV Dutka have
He must be a Satmarer terrorist posing as a Lutvak
When a Satmar family opened their doors for me for three days two weeks ago, as they were serving me a 3 course supper I made small talk and mentioned that I am originally from Lawrence NY. The balebuste then commented that last week her doc. canceled her appt when she finally saw her he apologized and zai6d he was in far rockaway at a hascholas mishnayis celebration for his grandson in Darchei Torah. This lady began to qvell and say...the Aybishter has so much nachas alle yidishe kinder zitz un lerm di haylige Torah sfardim,ashkenazim chasidim moderne litvishe. It is no secret to her that her doctor and his family are modern orthodox from five towns (she told me herself) and probably zionists, but still she was so happy for the machas the Aybishter has from all. Maybe she is not the rule. But neither are the goons that you are talking about.
and when Satmer bikor cholim and satmer Cancer Society bikor cholim come to our mostly modern, mostly Zionist big crowd synagogue in N.J., everybody stuffes the begs with 1$s, 5$, and 100$s.
The main gabbai gives additionally to anybody who comes for hachnosses kallah funds from the shul pushkas from anybody from anywhere including Mea Shearim, no questions asks.
When 2 Williamsburg people came for handouts for a yeshiva there for teens who were troubled, everybody threw cash and checks.
You miss the whole point. it's not individuals that are at fault, but the organized anti-Zionist establishment which smears and curses other Jews and very holy rabbis. When camps tell kids to pray for destruction of Israel, this can't be and won't be tolerated.
Their system preaches hate and happily your satmer family example didn't work out for haters and Imam preachers. Happily the flock is leaving in droves, just look at the election, they defied the Imams.
Rav Dutka, you are such a Tzaddik! You talk the way we all should. Shkoyach! I completely agree with you.
By the way, vus es dein blog?
and it's the pro Zionists who give an enormous amount of charity to the Meah Shearim poor. We don't spend our money for posters and newspaper ads to attack other Jjews and the holy medinah in public. We don't spend our money to rent busses to carry demonstrators especially to big gedolim like Rav Shteinman, 10 years ago and curse him with the vilest names. Or the Belzer Rebbe who came to Brooklyn 20 years ago. We stay home and do something productive.
It's not we who are hate obsessed, it's the chareidi anti- Zionist crowd including many of your co Litvishe who dance like puppets.
They poison minds but happily they didn't poison your host family minds. The goons didn't appear out of thin air, you know it and all of us know it.
Rabbi dudka,
Your family is always welcome in our Zionist shul, we don't throw people out and will don't call them names or embarrass them on the streets nor do throw rocks and garbage.Our Zionist rabbis forbid this.
11:34, all people should do like you are saying.
Gut Shabbos!
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