I had written a post last week, that Ami stated in it's editorial that living in Israel, "is not important!"
This week, an Ami reader, R' Peretz Rubel, of Ramat Beit Shemesh, writes a Letter to the Editor, responding to the "Clown" Frankfurter and taking him to task writing:
"Rabbi Frankfurter's words were painful to the core."
R' Peretz goes on to quote the Gemarrah in Kesubois, exactly the same Gemarrah that I quoted, that living in chutz leaaretz, is like "living without a G-D."
This week, the crazed insane Israel hater, "The Clown", doubles down and responds in a bizarre rant stating that "to elevate this mitzvah" (Yishuv Eretz Yisrael) as the focal point of Yahadus is not only mistaken but also blasphemous" and questions "whether that mitzvah is even in effect today"
Notice,The Clown referring to the mitzvah of "Yishuv Eretz Yisroel" as "this" and "that" mitzvah.
This idiotic "response" is wrong on so many levels. Where do I even start?
First, the Clown writes: "I certainly did not mean to belittle the great mitzvah of yishuv Eretz Yisrael" but then he writes that to "elevate this mitzvah ..... is blasphemous"
The yearning of every normal Jew to be m'kayeim the mitzvah Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is the "focal point" of the Shemonah Esreh ...... it was the "focal point" of Parshas Ve'eschanen when Moshe Rabbeinu pleaded with the Ribona Shel Olam to let him in ..... the midrash goes abit further to say that Moshe pleaded to go to Israel ... not as a leader, but just as an ordinary Jew!
Moshe was willing to forgo the leadership of Klall Yisrael to spend even a minute in Eretz Yisrael!
We have posted numerous times the greatness and the obligation that every single Jew has, even the Ami Clown, to bem'kayim the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel.
The Ramban, one the the "moneh ha'mitzvois" (counter of the 613 mitzvos) writes that it is a mitzvah asseh "bizman hazeh (mitzvah 4)."
Rav Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld, no lover of Zionists, paskens that it is an obligation of every single Jew to live in Israel today (see Ha'ish Al Ha'comeh Vol 2, page 149).
The Chazon Ish writes that no Jew is exempt from this mitzvah (see Kovetz Egros Vol 1 letter 175), and in fact urged the financial support of the Agudah Kibbutzim.
Rav Eliyashev ( see Halichos Ve'hanhagois, Bein Hamzoirois page 6) and Harav Chaim Kanivski (see Shalos Ut'shuvois Mayim Chayim pages 175-177 and see Maalos Rivka page 471-473) write that every single Jew must make Aliyah and build up Israel....
The Rambam himself, that the "clown" loves to quote, writes in Hichas Melachim, "All sins are forgiven to those who live in Israel"
He adds, "A person should always live in Eretz Yisrael, even in a town that its majority are gentile, and one should not live in chutz le'aaretz even in a city that the majority are Jews."
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Rambam Hilchas Melachim |
Another aspect of the "clown's" reasoning, that's flawed.
He writes that to elevate a mitzvah (in this case Yishuv Eretz Yisrael) is "blasphemous"
All Mussar Seforim suggest that people who want to do Tesuvah should choose a mitzvah "elevate it" and excel in it .......
is that now "blasphemous?'
But ... the craziness of The Clown has no limits .... takes a mitzvah that the Rishonim say, is an obligation today , .... and takes a mitzvah that the Gra, the Baal Shem, yearned all their holy lives to fulfill ....and says that it is "blasphemous" .......that is proof positive, that he is a very very ..... sick individual ......
The meraglim actually made the "clown's" arument ... that Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is not important and that the "focal point" of "yehadus" is the Torah ....
Now I understand why the Torah wrote:
"the Children of Korach, didn't die"
Why is he different than reform and conservative that say this and that mitzvah is not in effect today
Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer 75 according to all Poskim there is a Mitzva of Yishuv Haaretz Bizmnan Hazeh ...
I don't know about what he wrote in his earlier article, but what he writes here that there is a machlokes whether there is a mitzva bizman hazeh is correct. And what Sam Kay cited, I have 2 comments. First of all that halacha isn't necessarily dependent on there being a chiyuv yishuv E.Y. Just as the fact that they can force each other to move from any city in EY to Jerusalem even though that is certainly not a chiyuv. Second of all see Bais Shmuel there (20)
Also what he writes that to make this single issue the focal point of Yahadus is blasphemous, I think his point can be well understood. Even according to those who hold it is a mitzva, and we should be mispallel desperately for the ability to be mekayem it, some people take it further to think that this is the very basic fabric of Judaism, to the extent that they prefer people who are less observant in other mitzvos as long as he does this one. The fact is that we had tzadikim who lived in chutz la'aretz, but if a person is not completely observant of The Torah at large, they can't be considered a tzadik at all. To take any specific mitzva and make that the most important, and at the expense of others, is usually because of an agenda that isn't out of worship of Hashem, because then why not the other mitzvos too, and likely contains a degree of apikorsus.
DIN.why do you take this insane vicious Israel hating CLOWN seriously ?,i know this bastard very well,we went to yeshiva together,even in his younger age he was considered an absolute fool and was the laughing stock of the whole school.
I know for a fact that AMI is a losing enterprise and is bleeding hundreds of thousands of dollars a year,hopefully this Israel hating rag will not be we us for a very long time
The mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is different than any other mitzvahs, because the majority of the taryag mitzvos is dependent on living in Eretz Yisrael.
The Ramban goes as far as to say that all mitzvos performed in chutz le'aaretz is only a precursor, so that the mitzvos don't get forgotten ...
To say that if one elevates the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel is an apikores ... is nonsense and and absolute craziness ...
The Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael (which the clown refers to as "that" or "this) is absolutely the fabric of Judaism ...absolutely ...
The Gemarrah in Kesubois that is quoted by the Rambam that says that whoever lives in Eretz Yisroel "moichlim lo kol avinoisov" is not talking about "tziddikim" .... they don't have any aveirois .... the Gemarrah is talkin about sinners .... that 'memre" is not said about any other mitzvah ....
MITZAH or NO MITZVAH.... Part I...... by the Derby
This whole debate about whether it's mitzah or not is sad, pathetic,and a bias against EY. You heard me...!! Biased and pathetic.
There are so many things we do that aren't necessarily mitzvohs, but we do them anyway and ,as tzaddikim do, with great simcha.
In my opinion, the greatest Yetzer Hara is against Eretz Yisroel, not money or sex... It's EY..
Maariv is not a chova but a reshus, yet we daven it as chova.... Sit at a wedding ready for your main katchke schmaltz, and here come a couple of Yiddlach... Nu, nu, Maariv?? Meyyy-riv??
Nobody says I won't daven tonight...M'Doreiseh,you're not mechu'iv to bentch unless your belly is top full of roasted pullkes,15 bagels and a fat slice of pastry... Yet we bentch, we bentch because miderabbonon we seek to Bless Hashem, to do things because of Ahavas or Yiras Hashem.... Nobody gives these a second thought...
Letz seeee.... Mitzvah?? Or no Mitzvah??? Letzlook into Rambam... Actualy there's a day'uh in Gemarrah for the lenient position... But you don't care.... WHY??? Because hopefully, you want to please Hashem .... But EY????
Nah... Nah... It may not be a mitzvah these days... Poskim here, poskim there...Here poskim, there poskim, everywhere poskim... Ole' McDona...... Rambam meant this, he meant that... Ramban & others, YES mitzvah... Other Poskim: NO Mitzvah... Bahhhh...!!! Nah...!! A Heen... A Hoon....
Nothing else like this comes up anywhere else in the everyday, but davka EY... You know Why??? Simple... It's either an indifference or plain pathological hatred toward EY....
When you desire something you go get it no matter what, if you don't, then you find Rambams, poskim, SHYT'tehs and the like...
This entire debate is disingenuous..!!!
Just some examples:
Rav Shteinberg wore dozens of tzitzis at a time, the great Reb Mordecha'le Nadvorner sayed in a succah during a heavy rainstorm, though ALL poskim hold that there's NO mitzvah ... Sat in it alone, ate, bentched and came out DRY... Hashem performed a miracle for him because he desired this mitzvah no matter what.... If we love EY and at least start a conversation about it, for sure Hashem will make miracles too.... as HE does anyway there on a millisecond basis 24/7...
Is a mitzvah or not ?????????
Tell you what....Those of you hutzke'ing to hotels in Bahrain, Puma County ,Amazon Jungle ... please check the speaking sked.... If you get lucky, maybe some darshan'll waste your time with this theme:
Is Yishuv EY a Mitzvah or not??????
Read a book by O. Henry instead... It's entertaining and an Oneg Yom Tov...
No Mitzvah????????
When can I puke????? When??....
Continued next.....
Part II..... the Derby...
So here's this guy in shul who's semi- Zionist and his wife total anti Zionist..
One day he asks me:
"Tell me, is yishuv EY a mitzvah nowadays?"
I give him the same answer I just gave you... Then I ask him:
Is your Shtreimel a mitzvah??....
Oh no, but I love it, feel YomTov'dig, it's my great tradition and halevei all my kids would wear it..
No Mitzvah, huh ...??? But you love it, so you wear it..
Same guy once told me how his very frum wife is medakdek that he should always daven with a minyan, go to shiyur, burn Chometz, etc..
One day in NYC, she spots a $6,000 Cartier watch in the window and tells him,.... Now I'm quoting him quoting her...
He buys it....!!! Why??? Because he either loves or fears his wife, or both... No problem with poskim or mitzvahs...Same for his metziyeh...
But Eretz Yisroel where there's kedusha and where the Shechina NEVER left the Kotel,... Oh, Itza-mitzvahhhhh..... NO, FARKERT... Itznot-amitzvah.....!!!!!! Lomdus, talmidei chachamim, pillpullim...
You know the heck why...???????????
Because you don't care enough for it.......
If I don't hear another word about yishuv EY mitzvah or no mitzvah for the rest of my life, it'll still be too soon....!!!
the Derby......
Bli neder, I'm not commenting on Mitzvah EY anymore, because it's a phony BS red-herring plaplerei.....
Let the malaga soaked shuckling robots who've been taught to stay cold to EY argue it...
You bobble heads, you...
DIN, The Gemarrah in Kesubois that is quoted by the Rambam that says that whoever lives in Eretz Yisroel "moichlim lo kol avinoisov" is not talking about "tziddikim" .... they don't have any aveirois .... the Gemarrah is talkin about sinners ....that 'memre" is not said about any other mitzvah .... ?
שלשה מוחלין להן עוונותיהן גר שנתגייר והעולה לגדולה והנושא אשה
כל העוסק בתורה ובגמילות חסדים וקובר את בניו, מוחלין לו על כל עונותיו
כל העושה דבר עבירה ומתבייש מוחלין לו על כל עוונותיו
הבוכה על אדם כשר מוחלין לו כל עוונותיו
כל האומר ויכולו מוחלין לו כל עוונותיו
כל השומר שבת כהלכתו אפלו עבד עבודה זרה כדור אנוש מוחלין לו
האומר את שירת הים בשמחה מוחלין לו עוונותיו
כל המתעטף בציצית ומניח תפלין וקורא קריאת שמע ומתפלל מוחלין לו על כל עוונותיו
כל מי שנעשה לו נס ואומר שירה מוחלין לו על כל עוונותיו
I and many many others I am close to care endlessly about EY and cry for The Shechina. Stop with your personal insults. You are insulting people who you don't know just to promote your point. But you should try to use true facts if what you are saying is correct.
I said that there is a wrong idea out there that the first and foremost thing in Yiddishkeit it to live in EY. This is a traifa idea. The first thing is to be loyal to keeping The Torah. Not just to think that living in EY is everything.
Harry, you misunderstood by intended targets;
First of all, and I can't recall where, but I recently saw it, that if one moves to EY, ALL of his aveiros are forgiven... He starts brand new..
My remarks were not intended to you personally or anybody else here... But to those like this magazine guy and his ilk and darshanim who kvetch about yes or no mitzvah as an excuse to live in galut... Next:
You're mistaken, Harry..
The whole goal of the Torah is to perform its mitzvos IN Eretz Yisroel and NOWHERE else..
The reason why whe're in Bombay, Shmonsy, 5 Clowns and Gay Pareee, is a CURSE...!!! We're in golus... We're not supposed to be here..
Hence, your idea is a treif one... Yiddishkeit and Eretz Yisroel is ONE....... I already talked about this on a recent post....
Keeping the Torah???
The Torah mentions ERETZ ZOVAS CHOLOV u'DVASH at least a Dozen times... Nevuah was given only in Ey... and on, and on, and on... You're not supposed to be in Piss'aick.... You're there by default... Our whole goal is for Moshiach to come and uphold the Torah IN EY and nowhere else... Any other view is kefirah and apikorsus... Rethink your position, rethink what and who taught you otherwise... You're an intelligent fellow... Torah and EY and Hashem and Bnei Yisroel are ECHAD..!!! ONE.... Our first ancestor Avraham Aveinu, was promised EY first and foremost over and over again... THAT, my fiend, IS the Torah...
EY IS the Torah... Not Orange County, not the new fancy "synagogue" in Smalltimore with ramp access for the disabled... It's in EY, even in a tiny ancient winding uphill st. in Yerushalayim...
How come Moshe Rabbeinu prayed 515 times for a permit to enter the LAND if Yiddishkeit has nothing to do with it???? Why didn't he just enjoy the gorgeous desert splendor and practice the Torah there??
Torah and Yiddishkeit without Eretz Yisroel was the goal of the Spies.... Consider....!!!
You can't realy blame this MESHUGENER Israel hating clown,after all he grew up and was brainwashed in that criminal INSANE ASYLUM called SATMAR,and later on he joined those crazy BRISKER ignorant savages.
I strongly recommend that people try to get the Eim Habonim Semeicha, by Rav Teichtal H"Y"D both in Hebrew, or English translation by Rabbi Moshe Lichtman; Derishat Tziyon, by Rav Kalischer Z"L, and writing by other tzaddikim and by Rav Reinis Z"TZ"L.... The discourses there will surprise you... and shock you...
The English Eim Habonim should be available at Lammbda Books (718) 972-5449.
You won't get this at your local Judaica... What you'll get are mostly anti-Zionist books....
You're shortchanging yourselves by not learning these seforim because as probably like me, you were brought up to criticize Israel, and I'm putting it mildly..
Read current material by Ravs Wein, Melamed, for example, and a host of others...Including ordinary pro-Zionist religious Jews whose articles you'll find on Arutz 7...I don't agree with every detail or idea they write, but the central theme of the greatness of EY vis-à-vis Torah & Yiddishkeit is paramount and common to all of them ....
Consider this:
Are you people willing to throw mitzvos that are dependent on EY under the bus????
Is anybody who wants to separate Torah form EY ready to pooh-pooh these mitzvos??? How can it be that if the Torah is less important than Yiddishkeit, when this same Torah gives you mitzohs in EY ???
When this Torah tells us about the bechiyah ledorot because of the Spies evil report??
You know what this reminds me of??
I once read about the newly minted maskillim in Ziedliecz Poland, some who were hugs talmidei chachomim, some in their long kapotas and beards, learning some gemorah on Shabbos and smoking at the same time??
Bizarre, huh? Yep, sure is...
......"moichlim lo kol avinoisov" is not talking ahsher lo yechto...
We are all sinners but tzaddikim do tshuva evry moment..
Ein Tzaddik baaretz asher lo yechto...
I once made the mistake of asking somebody who told me tha the was a Chabad.... He spoke a perfect English with a mid-western accent... Asked him thoughtlessly ( in my youth) if he was a bal tshuva...
His great answer to me was :
" The Rebbe himself is a bal tshuva. He's a bal tshuva all day."
Derby & de Heen
Aliyah to Eretz Yisroel has to be an aliyah and not a yerida. If it causes a drop in shmiras HaTorah and Yiddishkeit, it is no mitzvah. And like a great Jewish leader once said in answer to a couple planning to move to EY in hope of better shlom bayis: Eretz yisroel has enough problems..
So who tells not to conduct yourself on a holier level in EY? Shouldn't that be our goal?
Hopefully, you're not lowering the bar by saying.... Eh,.... Let's stay here in golus and with aveirus than make Aliyah... It's too hard to become an ehrlicher yid... Well, my friend... This is NOT the goal...
Make Aliyah and work hard to become more holy, shouldn't that be the goal... Raise the bar, not lower it..
A Final Thought:
The halacha by bentching is that if you leave out some phrases, you're not yotzei.... One of them is "Eretz Tovah V'chemdah"... meaning Eretz Yisroel... In other words, the halcha... the Shulchan Aruch... which is TORAH ALL the WAY, is telling us that without those 3 words, you've failed in bentching even as you dine at Shloymie Pippik's in West Palm under the palm trees... Besides the other references in the Birchat Hamazon to EY...
So in conclusion, my friends:
The next time we lean over your kitchen counter and grab a plastic bentcher'l that we once picked up at Bimchik Hockenstein's wedding to his dear kallah, Cha-Cha... let's pay attention to the Boneh Yerushalim prayer, eretz chemda reference, etc., OR another piece of Torah... the Al Hamichya, which of course, we proudly know by heart which mentions Eretz Yisroel...Let's concentrate on the meaning....
You know..... its Torah....The same Torah that tells you to wear tfillin which you would never think of not obeying...
the Derby...
These parhsiyot currently all speak of EY and Moshe Rabbeinu's references to it...
Please.... Just as some of you will shush the talkers during kriyat Hatorah, will stand up with the atoro'ed talis over your heads, shukkle and pay attention to every Torah word about EY.... Believe it also... OK?? You're listening to the Torah.... the Torah that writes about eretz chlov udvash over and over again...
To those defending the "clown"
Look and search deep into your hearts and you will find that deep down you don't want Eretz Yisrael .... You want to live comfortable in חוץ לארץ and you get upset when you read that a chilonie lovrs Israel and sends his children to defend because it brings to the surface your own not living the land that the רבש״ע gifted to us...
The facts are very stubborn and the facts are that the assimilation rate in חוץ לארץ is over 90% according to Bnei Brit. a secular Jew making Aliyah may not be a שומר תורה ומצות but his children will remain Jewish and marry Jews and may in fact become over time Frum
The Anti-Zionist propaganda machine wants Jews to remain in the diaspora so that they can continue annexing lands from the goyim in Monroe, Lakewood, monsey and Williamsburg ...
The Jews in these areas are sitting on a powder keg that will explode sooner than later ....
History has proven that the רבש״ע wants us to yearn and come back home to Israel
The רבש״ע doesn't want us in Uman where the earth is soaked in Jewish Blood ...... The רבש״ע didn't give our אבות Lakewood , monsey,Passaic Williamsburg, new square, or Monroe
He gave us Israel .... And that's where every single Jew needs to be
All those comments defending that savage that calls himself Frankfurter .... even if you quote Gedolim .... It all comes from a very bad place In your hearts
And that is an unexplained hatred to the land the רבש״ע gave us as a ירושה
Just checking:
Did you really write a "great" leader said that???
Hmmmm...... Eretz Yisroel has enough problems.. A great leader said it...
Oy vey...!!!!! Sigh.... aye aye aye..Ah...
A Quick quizzzzzzzz...
Who said the following?? ( Don't look at the bottom yet, try to guess)
"In order to be realistic in Eretz Yisroel, one has to believe in miracles."
the Derby....
It was.....
It was....
David Ben Gurion...
Calm down ye bloodhounds..... It's true....
From Ben Gurion himself:
"Great leader" you mean like the מרגלים?
Because the מרגלים were also great ״leaders" see רש״י and the אורח חיים הקדוש
I don't care how big or great that leader is if he speaks Ill of Eretz Yisroel or even its inhabitants he is no different than the מרגלים
Satmar has done irreparable damage to yiddishkeit on many aspects.
The hate for Zion vs the love of Marmorosh is one example.
The stench of גאווה permeating from their holy essence that only their understanding of the Torah is correct while the rest are Apikorsim has damaged the fabric of Klal yisroel. This created Machlokes and Sinaas chinom between the few Frum Jews who escaped the holocaust.
It's time Satmar should wake up and depose of the sick ideology called the Shittah.
I just got home and I find a bunch of comments that I aught to respond to, and I'm tired after a full day, but here goes.
DIN, you are judging me incorrectly. I am not intending to defend anybody, particularly someone who I don't know. I am not comfortable in Chutz La'aretz. I cry on Tisha B'av like nobody else I know. I am deeply pained about the painful state of EY and Yerushalayim and wish it well day and night. I miss it and yearn for it like nobody I know.
Also I am thankful to each individual soldier who stands and protects the rest of us when we are there. I am not a Jew hater at all. I am a Jew lover. I usually try to remember not to write sharp words in my posts even when I disagree with someone.That's why I believe I have the right and maybe also the obligation to present a point of view which I think deserves to be presented. I don't mean to offend anyone.
EY is very holy and I yearn for it beyond imagination. Yet, in every group or sect there are only few people with the real feeling of that culture and a multitude of simple people who follow outward ways without understanding. The Satmar Rav Z"L Cried when he said vesechzena ainainu... He cared very much about EY and about the well being of every Yid. He did tremendous chesed to every type of Yid, including Zionistic Yidden. But he had very strong feelings about what he saw as the abuse and misrepresentation of EY. That was not hatred chas vesholom but tremndous hurt. I have heard people making the statement that it is more valuable to play basketball in EY than to learn Torah in chu"l. Of the people who embrace EY few people have the real feeling of that idea and a multitude don't. They are in EY but have no hasaga about EY. Some people should be told mi bikaish zos miyedchem remos chatzairoy. They aren't doing a good deed by being in EY if they don't follow the laws of the master of the land. But they conceitedly claim that they are holier than the ben Torah of Chu'L. So they live a secular religion-less life of hefkairus and they taunt Jews who are sincere yirai shomayim just because they live in the right place and those others don't. Could it really make sense that Hashem prefers them just because of their physical location. Is that the meaning of Eretz Yisroel? My body is less in EY than theirs but my heart is much much more. Why don't I go live there then? That's a whole other discussion and not for now. You are correct, Derby, that Yiddishkeit and EY is one, but EY without Yiddishkeit is neither. It isn't even EY. But Yiddishkeit without EY could bizman hazeh still be Yiddishkeit. This distinction must be clear, very clear!
Nobody ever argued that EY should be without Yiddishkeit or Torah.
Unfortunately, many more religious, had they made Aliyah years ago, would have changed the EY landscape.
Shabbat Shalom.....Happy Rosh Chodesh...
See you at the Kotel one day...
the Derby
Happy Rosh Chodesh to you too!
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