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Monday, January 21, 2019

Aren't You Glad You Are Not A Hindu?

Hundreds of thousands of Malaysian Hindus, some piercing their skin with hooks and skewers to show their devotion, gathered in temples across the country on Monday to mark Thaipusam.
I'll take Tu Be'Shvat over this anytime!

The annual Hindu festival sees believers carry offerings to places of worship to the deity Murugan and marks the day when his mother - the goddess Parvathi - gave him a powerful lance to fight demons.
It is observed mainly in countries with significant populations of ethnic Tamils - descended from people who originally came from southern India - including Malaysia and neighbouring Singapore.

33% of Meah She'arim Businesses Do Business Under The Table

A week after the income tax authorities raided the Mea She'arim neighborhood, it was revealed that 33% of the businesses surveyed in the neighborhood did not record income as required 


The raid on Mea She'arim (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat Square)

Normally, I wouldn't post this ... it's in all the Chareidie Newspapers, who are feigning shock!

But these storekeepers fund the terrorists that are blocking traffic etc....

Yes .... they are nice... and I hear all the comments about the owners of these businesses ....
"Oh... they don't live there... they have nothing to do with the terrorists .." etc etc

Baloney .... I don't know where they live, and I don't really care ...
but they are the major money behind the protests ...
and it's time to shop somewhere else!

Message From a Na Nach!

Tu Be'Shvat At the Friedlanders

I think that photo was taken last year. 
But I'm glad Ezra is spending time with family.....
At least during the time he fressses the fruit he is not helping Jew haters destroy Israel.

Ezra Friedlander makes money on the spilled blood of dead Jews.
He is now  busy putting together a big splash to present the Congressional Medal of Honor to a killer of Jews ....Anwar Sadat,Yemach shmo! 

Chusid Who Dresses Like a Girl Shouts His "Shalosh Seudah Torala" To a Bunch of Goyim

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 47, 48, 49,50,51, 52, & 53

Hey ladies ... here is an opportunity to test your husbands and see if he really goes to the daf....

This is a good opportunity for the entire family to share thoughts on the daf ... so that the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.  
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... however this particular tractate is difficult ... so I'm trying my best...
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף מ''ז "נתן הבבלי       
Page 47  Mesectas Chullin  
"Nathan Ha'Bavli" 
The Talmud on this daf relates a story about Rebbe Nathan the Babylonian. 

A lady unfortunately had two previous newborn children that died as a result of the bris that was performed on them.
She now had a third child and was concerned that this child would die as well.

Concerned, she brought the child to Rav Nathan prior to the bris and asked for guidance on what to do.
Rav Nathan observed the child and noticed that the baby had a reddish color.
Rav Nathan advised her to wait until the reddish color would subside and then have the bris performed.
The lady took R' Nathan's advise; the baby survived and the mother named the baby "Nathan Ha'Bavli" 

Who was this Nathan Ha'Bavli?
R' Nathan was the Rosh Bais Din in the town of Usha in the Galil. It was in Usha that Judaism was restored after the destruction of the second Bais Ha'mikdash.

R' Nathan was the son of the "Rosh Ha'Goleh" the "leader of the Jewish people in Galut".... 
 R' Nathan made Aliyah to assist Reb Shimon ben Gamliel who the Nasi there. 

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Did Tamika Mallory the "Svartzeh" anti-Semitkeh Quote Satmar When She refused to explicitly say Israel should exist?

Tamika is an the right
The "Shvartzeh Klavta" was interviewed on Firing Line, and when asked if she Israel should exist ... she said: 
"“Jewish scholars” shared this view."
Did she mean Satmar by that???

The Women’s March takes place this weekend, and the mainstream media has noticed the anti-Semitism problem afflicting the national group’s leadership.

The latest high-profile journalist to have at Women’s March leaders is Margaret Hoover, who hosts the
venerable PBS Sunday morning interview show “Firing Line.”

On Friday, Hoover teased two minutes of her sit-down with Tamika Mallory, who has said she disagrees with some of the statements by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whom she has lionized, but will not disavow him or specifically his anti-Semitism.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Pelosi Was Going To Fly With A Military Aircraft While Fed Workers Are Out of Work .... Trump Put an End To This Hypocracy!

She imperiled his State of the Union address. He denied her a plane to visit troops abroad.
The shutdown battle between President Donald Trump and House 
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is playing out as a surreal game of constitutional brinkmanship, with both flexing their political powers from opposite
ends of Pennsylvania Avenue as the negotiations to end the monthlong
 partial government shutdown remain stalled.

Anti-vaxxers are among the top 'threats to global health' in 2019, World Health Organization declares

Anti-vaxxers have been named one of the top threats to global health in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO). 
The anti-vaccine movement joined air pollution and climate change, HIV, and a worldwide influenza pandemic on the list released on Monday.
'Vaccine hesitancy', as the WHO calls it, 'threatens to reverse progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases.'
The organization added in its statement: 'Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways of avoiding disease - it currently prevents [two to three] million deaths a year, and a further 1.5million could be avoided if global coverage of vaccinations improved.'
A report released last year from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the number of unvaccinated children up to 35 months old increased four-fold between 2001 and 2015. 
There are several reasons why people are reluctant or refused to be immunized despite readily available vaccines.

It's All Over Folks!! Muslim Congresswoman Defending Her Anti-Israel Comments; Appointed to House Foreign Affairs Committee

She will now have officially a "shtender" to bash Israel & Jews on her newly appointed position in the House Foreign Affairs Committee..paid by American citizens. 
The Democrats did this to give Israel a message that we are no longer totally dedicated to the only democratic state in the middle east.
She is now 100% suited to be a Satmar Rebbeitzen ... She is Tznisdik, bashes Israel and I have it that she even had a bris! 

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) has defended a 2012 tweet in which she accused Israel of “evil doings” and said that Israel had “hypnotized the world.”
“Those unfortunate words were the only words I could think about expressing at that moment,” Omar said in an interview aired on CNN on Wednesday night.
Memo to Reb Aron Tetelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe: "Save your stamp, congress no longer needs any of your letter bashing the State of Israel or its leaders .... we have our very own anti-Zionists!"
“What is really important to me is that people recognize that there is a difference between criticizing a military action by a government that has exercised really oppressive policies and being offensive or attacking to particular people of faith,” said Omar, one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress in November.
In March 2018, Omar doubled down on the tweet, saying she was only “drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime”.

In another interview on CNN on Thursday, she again defended the tweets, saying: “I don’t know how my comments would be offensive to Jewish Americans”

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Please G-d Do Not Uproot What was Planted! For Tu' Beshvat! אל נא תעקור נטוע

Rebbishe Wedding Hires Security Guards For the Mitzvah Tantz ... Mazal Tov🎉

Chassidim "Tuchis Lekking" The Anti-Semitic New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand!!

Chassid smiling like a "chulent bundel" 

Bais Yaakov Student Expelled Over Alleged Immodest Pic Wins Legal Victory As Judge Moves Case to Trial

Schools are now going to have to be careful when they kick out students .... ....
Lev Bais Yaakov booted out a 16 year old girl because .........
listen to this .....
They received an "unconfirmed report"  from an "anonymous source" about behavior unbecoming of a Bais Yaakov girl ......

"Unconfirmed" ....... "anonymous" ...........??????????
I sure hope this schools pays her millions.....

So let's analyze what happened ??

This according to a Daily News article..

"She was kicked out in December 2013 after one of the principals received a phone call from an unidentified woman claiming that she had seen a nude photo of the girl on her son’s cell phone."

I am going to leave my comments about Lev Bais Yaakov aside, since a Jury will decide that!

An "unidentified" frum lady has a son, presumably in a top Yeshivah, who instead of learning, this kid hangs out with girls.... .... 

So far so good..... a lot of us have children like that ....

Back to the mother of the boy ....... 
She allowed her "learning" boy to have a smartphone ..... we know that, because she obviously "had his number," didn't trust him and  checked his phone ..... 
We also know ... that she knew the girl ... because she recognized her photo on the phone ...and she knew which school the girl attended.

 We have a situation here, where this lady has a son with a smartphone, unfiltered, I might add, and is "sexting" with girls.
So instead of extinguishing her own "fire" simmering in her living room; instead of doing the right thing, to perhaps notify discreetly the parents of the girl and warn them about that, and come up with a mutual understanding....
she goes like the "reshanteh" and "klavta" that she obviously is ,and informs the girl's school "anonymously." 

She knew that her "tzaddik" ...  ...wasn't allowed to own a smartphone, she knew that if his yeshivah would have gotten wind that he had one, they would have given him the year off, she knew that 'it takes two to tango" ... and she knew that this girl wasn't sending her "photo" to the "rosh chaburah."

I wonder .....
Did she "anonymously" notify her son's Rosh Yeshivah that there is a boy in school that instead of struggling with a Tosfos, has a smartphone and preys on vulnerable girls with disabilities, having them send him nude photos of themselves ...??

I am positive that her son who probably went out "Letarbis Ra"  suffered no consequences. 

There are reports that the girl "had been struggling academically because of learning disabilities."
If this is in fact true  .... how cruel was the mother of the boy?

"Judge Dawn Jiminez-Salta ruled in favor of the teenage plaintiff who sued the executive director and a pair of principals at Lev Bais Yaakov for expelling her in December 2013, charging them with multiple infractions including negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract and failure to accommodate her learning disability as required by law.
Dismissing only the emotional distress charge filed against the defendants, Judge Jiminez-Salta paved the way for a trial, with a conference to decide on a date scheduled for January 24th"
A lawyer representing  principals Rivka Oratz and Batya Sochaczewski was not immediately available to comment on the matter.

Take a Shocking Video Tour of How Wide Open Our Southern Border Is

Watch: Crown Heights "Shvartzer" Punches Jew Unprovoked

A Jewish man, who is in his 20s, was punched in the chest this afternoon in an unprovoked attack in the heart of the Crown Heights neighborhood in Brooklyn.

The attack occurred at approximately 8:00 am, as the Jewish man was walking on Kingston Avenue near Union Street, when a black man walked by and punched him in the chest, and kept on walking.

Police probing death of Israeli woman in West Bank crash; family calls it terror

Police on Wednesday said they were investigating a fatal crash in the West Bank that killed a 30-year-old Israeli mother of four and had yet to reach any conclusions on the cause, as the family of the victim said they had evidence that Palestinians stoned her car, prompting her to lose control.
Hadas Tapuhi died Sunday when her car swerved from its lane and hit an oncoming truck near the settlement of Ateret, where she lived, in the northern West Bank.
“The police are still investigating the cause of the accident and the investigation has not concluded the reasons for the cause of the accident,” police said in a statement.
The statement came following repeated comments from her community and family that it was not an accident and that Tapuhi’s death was not being properly investigated.
A statement Sunday from Ateret said that an IDF tracker had identified signs that stones had been thrown at the site of the crash.
“In that specific spot, stones are thrown every week at Israeli vehicles,” the statement said, providing a picture it said showed the stones on the road.

“The IDF and police suspect that the driver tried to escape from the stones thrown at her and swerved from her lane and crashed into a truck heading toward her,” the statement said. “The secretariat of Ateret demands that the security forces complete the investigation and prevent the next case.”

The Forward ending 121-year print run

The Forward is stopping — its print editions.
The storied Jewish-American publication is suspending its print operations and plans to lay off about 40 percent of its editorial staff — including Editor-in-Chief Jane Eisner — while moving to digital-only.
A print publication for 121 years, The Forward will continue to produce an English-language and a Yiddish-language edition online.
“The Forward is taking the next step in making our brand more relevant to our readers and more connected to their lives,” said publisher and CEO Rachel Fishman Feddersen.
“We are announcing that this spring The Forward will complete its evolution from what was once a print-focused publisher to become a digitally focused publication.”
The Forward is eyeing growth among its under-35 readers who prefer to read news online. Currently that segments amounts to a third of total readers.

Chareidie "moised" Knesset Yitzchok, That Supposedly Doesn't Take Money From Zionists, Received 2,600,000.00 Shekels From The "Medinah"

Guys I had enough of this big lie perpetrated on Klal Yisroel that there are Moisdois in the State of Israel that do not take money from the medinah ...

It's an unmitigated lie .....! 

Over the years we have proven and shown you receipts from Satmar Moisdois that have "dummy" Yeshivas with their students enrolled in that dummy Yeshivah that takes money from the medinah for each and every single child ... and then those funds are funneled into the Yeshivah that the children actually attend..... 

There is no way that the couple of dollars that  Satmar sends them can even be a drop in the bucket to what a yeshivah needs to run ...

Instead of having a little bit of "hakaras Hatoiv" they curse the hands that feed them ....

Federal Judge Tosses Moster "The Shmoiger's " Lawsuit Against Yeshivas

"Der Kleiner Rutzzer "Moster

This past summer, YAFFED filed a federal lawsuit alleging that it would be unconstitutional for the State Education Department of the New York City Department of Education to give yeshivas any credit for all of the learning that occurs during the Limudei Kodesh part of their school day. Today, the federal district court threw out that lawsuit.
The defendants in the lawsuit were various state officials, but given the importance of the case, PEARLS, the Agudah, Torah Umesorah and the UJO of Williamsburg filed an amicus brief to put the yeshiva community’s position in the issues before the court. The court cited extensively to their papers, including this gem:
“As stated by amici: Orthodox Jewish parents choose yeshiva education for their children to fulfill the Biblical injunction that
“You shall place these words of Mine upon your heart and upon your soul … and you shall teach them to your children to speak in them.” Deuteronomy 11:18-19.
The Bible says of Abraham, “I have known him because he commands his sons and his household after him, that they should keep the way of the Lord.” Genesis 18:19.