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Showing posts with label Lev Bais Yaakov expels s student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lev Bais Yaakov expels s student. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Bais Yaakov Student Expelled Over Alleged Immodest Pic Wins Legal Victory As Judge Moves Case to Trial

Schools are now going to have to be careful when they kick out students .... ....
Lev Bais Yaakov booted out a 16 year old girl because .........
listen to this .....
They received an "unconfirmed report"  from an "anonymous source" about behavior unbecoming of a Bais Yaakov girl ......

"Unconfirmed" ....... "anonymous" ...........??????????
I sure hope this schools pays her millions.....

So let's analyze what happened ??

This according to a Daily News article..

"She was kicked out in December 2013 after one of the principals received a phone call from an unidentified woman claiming that she had seen a nude photo of the girl on her son’s cell phone."

I am going to leave my comments about Lev Bais Yaakov aside, since a Jury will decide that!

An "unidentified" frum lady has a son, presumably in a top Yeshivah, who instead of learning, this kid hangs out with girls.... .... 

So far so good..... a lot of us have children like that ....

Back to the mother of the boy ....... 
She allowed her "learning" boy to have a smartphone ..... we know that, because she obviously "had his number," didn't trust him and  checked his phone ..... 
We also know ... that she knew the girl ... because she recognized her photo on the phone ...and she knew which school the girl attended.

 We have a situation here, where this lady has a son with a smartphone, unfiltered, I might add, and is "sexting" with girls.
So instead of extinguishing her own "fire" simmering in her living room; instead of doing the right thing, to perhaps notify discreetly the parents of the girl and warn them about that, and come up with a mutual understanding....
she goes like the "reshanteh" and "klavta" that she obviously is ,and informs the girl's school "anonymously." 

She knew that her "tzaddik" ...  ...wasn't allowed to own a smartphone, she knew that if his yeshivah would have gotten wind that he had one, they would have given him the year off, she knew that 'it takes two to tango" ... and she knew that this girl wasn't sending her "photo" to the "rosh chaburah."

I wonder .....
Did she "anonymously" notify her son's Rosh Yeshivah that there is a boy in school that instead of struggling with a Tosfos, has a smartphone and preys on vulnerable girls with disabilities, having them send him nude photos of themselves ...??

I am positive that her son who probably went out "Letarbis Ra"  suffered no consequences. 

There are reports that the girl "had been struggling academically because of learning disabilities."
If this is in fact true  .... how cruel was the mother of the boy?

"Judge Dawn Jiminez-Salta ruled in favor of the teenage plaintiff who sued the executive director and a pair of principals at Lev Bais Yaakov for expelling her in December 2013, charging them with multiple infractions including negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract and failure to accommodate her learning disability as required by law.
Dismissing only the emotional distress charge filed against the defendants, Judge Jiminez-Salta paved the way for a trial, with a conference to decide on a date scheduled for January 24th"
A lawyer representing  principals Rivka Oratz and Batya Sochaczewski was not immediately available to comment on the matter.