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Monday, October 13, 2014

Why are all deadly viruses coming from Africa?

Remember AIDS? That came from Africa, now it's Ebola! 
I'm not a racist, but people on the street are asking this reasonable question, what am I (who is not a racist) supposed to answer these people? 
That the Blacks are the ones breeding these viruses? Don't tell because they are poor.... there are poor in China, Tibet, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Pakistan and India!

UN chief "Kock im' oon": Israeli occupation led to Gaza war

UN Secretary-General Kock im' -oon blamed last summer’s Gaza war on Israel’s “occupation” of Palestinian territories, as he called on both parties to finalized an agreement for a two-state solution.

“We must not lose sight of the root causes of the recent hostilities: a restrictive occupation that has lasted almost half a century, the continued denial of Palestinian rights and the lack of tangible progress in peace negotiations,” 
Kock im' -oon said.

He spoke on Sunday at a donor conference in Cairo to raise funds to repair the damage from the Gaza war. On Monday he is expected to visit Israel, where he will meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni. On Tuesday he will visit Gaza.

In Cairo, he said, “I call on all parties to come together to chart a clear course towards a just and final peace -- including achieving a full lifting of the blockade, ensuring Israel’s legitimate security concerns; and establishing two States living side by side in peace and security.”
Kock im' -oon added, “Going back to the status quo is not an option; this is the moment for transformational change.”

Gaza, he warned, remains a “tinder box.”

Without a peace agreement, 
Kock im' -oon said, he feared that Gaza wars and donor conferences to repair the damage would become an annual ritual.

Holding Israel and Hamas accountable for human rights violations would help create a climate that is conducive for peace.

“This must include an investigation into potential violations of international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict,” Ban said.

The UN is conducting a number of investigations into the Gaza war, including a high-profile one by the UN Human Rights Council that is due to be submitted in March, 2015.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Time to Boycott all EU Products!

The EU just announced that they will Ban Israeli Dairy Products from over the Pre-1967 Lines as of January!

So why don't we boycott all their products?
We don't need anything they make, so the next time you see any product manufactured by any country that is part of the EU, don't buy it!

Israel’s Agriculture Ministry has informed dairies across the country that the EU will no longer accept dairy exports from Israeli communities in the West Bank beginning in January.
The European Commission no longer recognizes the authority of inspection agencies over the pre-1967 lines, and without such an inspection, dairy products from those areas cannot be sold in the EU.
Ministry spokesman Amnon Lieberman said the dairy market is primarily a local one, and the primary dairy export to Europe is powdered milk.
As of June, a similar ban was applied to poultry from over the pre-1967 lines and, beginning in February, fish will be included in the ban.

Chareidim Distribute Cartoon, Depicting IDF Soldier as a Pig holding a Gemarrah

Had a great Yom Tov? 
Well guess what the Tzaddikim in Yerusalyim Ir Hakodesh, were decorating the Sukkas with? 
Yes! A Cartoon depicting an IDF Soldier as a pig holding a gemarrah!
Yes, guys, continue supporting the Yerushalyim Schnorrers that come to your door, let them tell you that the ones distributing the cartoon are a lunatic fringe group.....
 I don't buy it!

And now, Hamas, yes Hamas, copied the cartoon and is tweeting it!

Nice job, Chareidim! Kiddush Hashem!?

A caricature of an Israeli soldier in the pig's head and holding a copy of the Talmud in his hands was distributed in the streets of Jerusalem by ultra-Orthodox Jews to denounce the law on compulsory conscription in Israel.
A Twitter account affiliated with Hamas has also posted Saturday the caricature on the social network.
The illustration is intended to ridicule the ultra-Orthodox Jews who have joined the ranks of the Israeli army, by treating them as pigs that corrupt religion.
The caricature of the soldier-pig is shown bragging in the text saying "They sent me to confuse the boys in yeshivas and dry out their soul,". It continues on to say "I fool them with the slogans of the Gemara (religious text, note), but in fact I am something completely different.”
Three small children, dressed in religious garb, pointing their fingers, are shown laughing at the uniformed soldier carrying a machine gun on the back "look at his ears” one child says, “like a hyena."
The second child is shown saying “I actually think it’s a fox, look at its smile”
“I’m telling you that it’s ‘something else entirely, look at its nose and look at what it has in its pocket,” the third child says.
An older man in a black suit is shown running away, presumably because he is old enough to be drafted into the army.
The posters were pasted on walls in some of Jerusalem’s ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods earlier this week.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chag Samaich

Conservative Rabbi divorces his Rebbitzen , mother of his 3 children, because he is a Feigeleh

A rabbi at one of Washington D.C.'s most prominent synagogues has announced that he is gay and divorcing his wife of 20 years.

Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, who has three teenage children with wife Batya, herself a rabbi, sent the email to members of Adas Israel Congregation on Monday.
He said that Batya has long known about the feelings he has battled since he was young.
'I am writing to share with you that after twenty years of marriage, my wife Batya and I have decided to divorce,' he announced in the email, shared by the Washington Post. 'We have arrived at this heartbreaking decision because I have come to understand that I am gay.'

Revelation: Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, left, has announced that he is gay and is divorcing his wife, Batya, right
Revelation: Rabbi Gil Steinlauf, left, has announced that he is gay and is divorcing his wife, Batya, right

Steinlauf, 45, explained that he has realized that he can continue 'with the greatest strength, with the greatest peace in my heart' by finally acknowledging his sexuality.
'Sadly, for us this means that Batya and I can no longer remain married, despite our fidelity throughout our marriage and our abiding friendship and love,' he wrote. 

Side-by-side: The couple, who are both rabbis, have been together for 20 years and have three children
Side-by-side: The couple, who are both rabbis, have been together for 20 years and have three children
Support: In an email to the congregation, Steinlauf praised his wife for her support through his struggle
Support: In an email to the congregation, Steinlauf praised his wife for her support through his struggle

'But my inner struggle never did go away. Indeed, Batya herself has supported me through this very personal inner struggle that she knew to be the source of great pain and confusion in my life over decades.'

He added to the Washington Post that he and his wife had worked for the past three years to try to figure out how they could stay together.
'What we've had for 20 years is very real, and the last thing I'd want is for us to live a lie,' he said. 

He said that they would continue to live together for now. 
His email to 1,420 households was accompanied with a letter of support from the congregation’s president, Arnie Podgorsky, JTA reported.

Leader: Steinlauf, pictured right with the Dalai Lama, has been praised with bringing traditional and progressive Jews together. In 2012, he officiated his synagogue's first same-sex marriage
Leader: Steinlauf, pictured right with the Dalai Lama, has been praised with bringing traditional and progressive Jews together. In 2012, he officiated his synagogue's first same-sex marriage
Prominent: He emailed 1,400 households in the Adas Israel Congregation, in Northwest Washington
Prominent: He emailed 1,400 households in the Adas Israel Congregation, in Northwest Washington

Together with the other officers of Adas Israel, I stand with Rabbi Steinlauf,' it read. 'Our synagogue is strong, large, and inclusive–a big tent with room and respect for all.

'We understand that Rabbi Steinlauf will be undergoing a challenging personal transition in the coming months, and we extend to him patience and a generous spirit.'

The letter added that Rabbi Steinlauf had shared his news with the officers of Adas Israel earlier this fall and they decided how he would share it with the congregation.

Steinlauf joined Adas six years ago and has since worked to bring more traditional and progressive Jews together. In 2012, he officiated at the first same-sex wedding at Adas Israel.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Judge Invalidates Monsey "Ward" Referendum ,DO OVER

State Supreme Court Justice Margaret Garvey  invalidated Ramapo's referendums on establishing a ward system and adding two Town Board members and ordered a do-over.

State Supreme Court Justice Margaret Garvey invalidated Ramapo's referendums on establishing a ward system and adding two Town Board members, ordering that a new vote be held.
In her 14-page decision, Garvey cited the confusion caused by Ramapo Town Clerk Christian Sampson surrounding absentee ballots and who was eligible to cast ballots. She didn't offer a time frame for a new vote.
The petition by Michael Parietti and Robert Romanowski raised questions of impropriety by Sampson in the handling of affidavit ballots, including reviewing applications and rejecting some of them.
Parietti said the judge didn't react well to the town comment that officials knew non-registered voters could cast ballots but didn't inform the public because they claimed they wanted people to register with the Board of Elections.
Parietti said they have not decided whether to appeal, saying they were curious about the vote totals from the machines and paper ballots.
"I feel the town passively resisted Judge Garvey's order to hold a fair and equitable election by publishing misleading information and refusing to respond to multiple requests to clarify the rules," Parietti said.
He said he doesn't believe a vote can be held on Election Day, Nov. 4, because the ballots already are being completed, among other reasons.
Ramapo Town Attorney Michael Klein said the Town Board will decide whether to appeal or hold a new vote. The board meets Wednesday night.
Klein said neither side asked Garvey to order a new election.
"The judge granted relief neither party asked for," he said. "The town had questioned her authority."
Ramapo attorneys conceded in court that the instructions contained on the ballot applications contradicted the requirements of state law, Garvey ruled.
"Specifically, the absentee ballot application, admittedly prepared by the Ramapo Town Clerk Christian Sampson stated to potential voters that absentee ballots would be counted so long as they were postmarked by September 29, 2014 and received no later than the 7th day after the election," she wrote.
The law requires that absentee ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on the date of the election to be canvassed, she said.
Garvey wrote that Sampson's mistakes, in the preparation and dissemination of the absentee ballot applications, were "so egregious and fundamental to the special town election process that it cannot be rectified" with any order directing procedures for the counting of the absentee ballots.
She didn't rule on the town's claims that she lacked jurisdiction since she said she was not overseeing the counting of ballots. Garvey ordered that all ballots be preserved pending any appellate court review of her decision.
Garvey recommended the town use the county Board of Elections' expertise for future special elections, and that it allow poll-watchers even though it is not mandated to do so.

To all "Bleeding Heart Liberals" Read Statement From Hamas!

For the stupid liberal Jews that trust the Arabs, and say "that if Israel would only give up the settlements and the West Bank" there would be peace," read the following:
The Palestinian Al-Ayyam daily reported that Hamas Political Bureau member Mahmoud Al-Zahar said, 
”Some have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine.”
Al-Zahar said that if his movement were to “transfer what it has or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the final promise (an allusion to Sura 17:7 of the Quran) with a speed that no one can imagine.”
He continued: “We know exactly how to liberate the land of Palestine, and we know how to hit every inch of Palestine with our hands, brains, and money.”

Vosizneias.com calls J Street, "Pro-Israel"

Can you imagine?
 the Satmar website Vos iz neias has the following idiotic headline!

"Pro-Israel Group Calls On Netanyahu To Withdraw Criticism Of US"

Are they insane? "Pro-Israel" ?
This is the rest of their copied and pasted article:
Pro-Israel group J Street is criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, when he said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values,” calling it an ” outrageous perversion of the truth.”
The group released a statement Monday calling for Netanyahu to apologize and withdraw his remarks.
“For a foreign leader to characterize the principled opposition to settlements of every US administration since 1967 – the administrations of Presidents Nixon, Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama – as being against American values gives new meaning to the word ‘chutzpa,’” said J Street.

VIN News previously reported that the White House White rejected Netanyahu’s criticism. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.”

VIN is an Aronie Satmar Website...owned and operated by a Self-hating Satmar guy!
Only someone that hates Israel would write that   J Street is "Pro_israel"

Naomi Wolf, Self-Hating Jew suggests ISIS hostages are ACTORS and be-headings aren't real

Author Naomi Wolf suggests footage of hostages being beheaded by ISIS militants isn't real.

The 51-year-old Jewish American writer made a series of controversial statements questioning the authenticity of the footage in a number of messages on her Facebook page.

The initial post in which the feminist activist questions where the terror group are 'getting all these folks from' was deleted.

In another post, she also said that the Obama administration was sending troops to West Africa to confront the Ebola outbreak so they could return with the deadly infection - justifying a military takeover of Africa.  

Social media users quickly rounded on her with some suggesting her theories were 'crazy' while others said her views were 'harmful' and had disrespected the victims' families.

A video released on Friday appeared to show British hostage Alan Henning being beheaded by Jihadi John.
He is the fourth person to have been brutally murdered at the hands of the extremists, and a fifth, former Army ranger Peter Kaggis, has been threatened as the next victim. 

After making the controversial statements over the weekend, Wolf defended her actions saying she was criticizing the reporting of the story - suggesting the video had not been properly confirmed by two sources. 

The post, that was later taken down, said: 'OK two of the hostages just happened to go from long careers into the military to... sudden humanitarian work (same was true of the latest British hostage). Where are they getting all these folks from? 
'If someone is abducted there is a record with Amnesty and with Reporters without Borders. Can someone please confirm that these organizations have any record of this person having been abducted? 
'The NYT (New York Times) yesterday ran a depressingly sloppy editorial claiming that all the ISIS beheading videos must be real because 'there are so many of them on youtube'. 
'THAT's journalism? They also called ISIS 'evil' many times - which is not langauge of a news analysis, it is a theological category for some faiths and a Global War on Terror talking point... this may all be true but it takes five people to stage an event like this - two to be 'parents' - two to pose for the cameras... one in a ninja outfit... and one to contact the media that does not bother checking who ANY of these four other people are...' 

During the social media backlash, Mark Boothroyd said: 'Don't insult these people who have given their lives for humanitarian work.
'The activities of all these people have been well documented over the years. They are known people with families and friends who have supported them. Stop spreading conspiracy theories.'
In her most recent post, the author has said that she stands by what she wrote 

Bnei Brak Bochrim Cause Huge Chilul Hashem Shouting at Soldiers that Protected them during the War..

During the last war, the Yeshivah Bochrim that reside in Bnei Brak and learn in Ashdod and Ashkelon, fled for their lives and ran, tripping over their shoe laces, to return to their comfortable homes in Bnei Brak. 
So this week a group of IDF Chiloniem wanted a glimpse of Torah Life; they were met with abuse and scorn from these very ingrates! 
Some Bnei Brak residents got fed up with these parasites, and slapped the Bochrim, which caused a ruckus!
The IDF guys left abruptly after having seen what Torah education is all about!
Shame on the mothers that gave birth to these mammals!

Soldiers and officers from the IDF Homefront Command visited Bnei Brak. They were not warmly welcomed to put it mildly.
The scene was one of violence at the intersection of Rav Shach and Rav Kotler Streets in Bnei Brak on Sunday evening 11 Tishrei. A group of IDF soldiers arrived near the Itzkowitz Shul, part of a tour of the city, for many of the military personnel, their first and only exposure to the Torah city and frum Jewry. A group of yeshiva bochrim began shouting at the soldiers.
The response from passersby was not supportive, and some actually struck the bochrim for their distasteful reaction to the soldiers’ presence. Things got rough for a period of time and the group become confrontational. B”H at some point the situation calmed down and the group of IDF soldiers left the area.
Residents were pained and angered and the unwanted response of the bochrim, whom they said caused a terrible Chilul Hashem with their actions and words. They explained that instead of showing the soldiers the fine side of Torah life they left with an awful impression of frum Jewry.

Sukkah Building Tragedy: Man Falls and Dies in Modi'in Illit

A man in his thirties fell from a sixth floor balcony Monday night on Sha'agat ha-Arie Street in Modi'in Illit. 
United Hatzalah medics provided him with first aid treatment on the scene, and from there he was taken to the hospital in severe condition, where he later died of his injuries. 

Samuel Rosengarten, head of United Hatzalah in Modi'in Illit, said "This is a man who was in the middle of building a sukkah on the balcony of his home. He fell from his home on the 6th floor to the 4th floor. 

Volunteers gave him first aid health treatment. When they reached the scene the man was unconscious and severely bruised all over his body. After administering first aid, volunteers took him to the hospital in critical condition."

he United Hatzalah organization has repeatedly warned those engaging in preparations for Sukkot be careful and act according to the safety rules for fear of disasters or injuries. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

White House Upset that Netanyahu allows Jews to build in Israel

What's up with this Obama? 
Why can't a Jew build in Israel? Are they insane? Upset because Netanyahu allows Jews to build in their own country?
I understand the EU is against Jews living in parts of Israel; they were also against Jews living in Europe. 

The Euro-Pishers are responsible of millions and millions of Jews being slaughtered over 2 thousand year period. Anti-Semitism is in their cursed blood. But America??
If we Jews would all be united, we could, as a group tell the USA to back off, but unfortunately, we have our own groups, like Peace Now, Reform Rabbis, J Street, self-hating Jews, bleeding heart liberals and Satmar that agree with this ludicrous idea that parts of Israel should be Judenrein!

We make asifas against the internet, and asifas against serving in the Jewish army, and thousands show up, but no one wants to make an asifa when Israel is under attack!

Last week there was a local election in the Monsey, Spring Valley, New Hempstead areas, and it was a referendum on whether the residents are in favor of the "Ward System." 
To make a long story short, if the "Ward System" would be put in place, the Heimishe Oilim would have less influence in the running of the Town! If there would be less influence, the local zoning laws would be enforced and the Yiddilich wouldn't be able to place 40 families in a single family home!
So Agudath Israel of America got involved with local Monsey politics, to guarantee that people come and vote against the "Ward System." 
Where the are they now? Is the blood of Jews living in Israel less valued than the blood of Monsey Jews?
In Monsey its "Pikuach Nefesh" to allow 1,000 people to live on one block, but it's not "Pikuach Nefesh" to have more housing in Israel?
Do you know my friends, that if a goy in Israel is ready to sell a house in Israel, and he wants to go to contract on Shabbos, there is a mitzvah, yes, a mitzvah to be Mechalel Shabbos and go to contract on Shabbos! Absolutely!!!
This is paskened L'halacha!

Jerusalem is under Israeli rule. As such it can build. There's nothing else to it. It's not like they're building in Ramallah or any other town that is under Arabic rule. 
Maybe the U.S. Should stop building in California,Texas, New Mecico or any other land that Mexico lost in the war! I'm sure the Mexicans would love their land back! The Arabs were dumb enough to start a war with Israel and lost their part of Jerusalem. That's just too bad! 
Bottom line: when America stops building in Texas Israel will stop in Jerusalem.

The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.

A long-time split between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu appeared to widen further after the Israeli leader’s visit to the White House last week.
Netanyahu, on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values.”
At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.
“The fact is American policy has been clear and unchanged under several administrations, both Democrat and Republican.”
Earnest added: “We oppose any unilateral actions that attempt to prejudge final status issues including the status of Jerusalem. These can only be legitimately determined through direct negotiations through the parties that this president has worked hard to try to facilitate.”

“Jews of no religion” are on a fast track to leaving the Jewish people altogether. New PEW POLL!

That's the bad news, but there is good news too, Read!

The new Jewish year opened with some encouraging Jewish news: 

According to aPew Research poll cited by NPR last week, more than a quarter of the so-called millennial generation of American Jews now keeps kosher, almost double the percentage among their parents’ generation. 
This isn’t because Orthodox Jews have more children; as the NPR report noted, many millennial kashrut observers didn’t grow up in kosher homes. Nor have they become Orthodox themselves: 

The Pew data shows that only half of kashrut-observant millennials observe Shabbat. But by deciding to keep kosher they have opted for a more distinctly Jewish identity – and that’s good news for anyone who cares about either American Jewry or Israel.
For decades now, soaring intermarriage rates and growing disinterest in organized religion have raised fears regarding the future of American Jewry. Indeed, the same 2013 Pew poll that NPR quoted greatly reinforced these fears: Inter alia, it found that while 93 percent of Jews born in 1914-27 consider themselves “Jews by religion,” that is true for only 68% of millennials, or people born after 1980; the remaining 32% of millennials define themselves as “Jews of no religion.” 

And by every conceivable measure, “Jews of no religion” are bad news for both the Jewish people and Israel. 
A whopping 67%, for instance, raise their children “not Jewish,” compared to only 7% for Jews by religion, while 79% have non-Jewish spouses, more than double the 36% among Jews by religion. Fully 54% say being Jewish is of little or no importance to them, more than five times the rate among Jews by religion (10%); 55% feel little or no attachment to Israel, more than double the rate among Jews by religion (23%); and only 10% care about being part of a Jewish community, less than a third the rate among Jews by religion (33%).
In short, “Jews of no religion” are on a fast track to leaving the Jewish people altogether. Thus anyone who cares about American Jewry’s survival should be rooting for young Jews to become more attached to the Jewish religion. 
And millennials who opt to keep kosher are necessarily doing exactly that, because keeping kosher requires them to recommit to Judaism every day anew: Day after day they must decide what to eat or not eat, what to buy or not buy. Thus the fact that 27% of American Jews aged 18-29 keep kosher, up from 16% among the 50+ group, is a ray of light in the otherwise gloomy Pew data. 
It’s also encouraging with regard to a related worry: that young American Jews are growing away from Israel. The Pew data unequivocally proves that the more American Jews care about Judaism, the more likely they are to care about Israel. That’s why Jews by religion deem caring about Israel “essential” to their Jewish identity at more than double the rate of Jews of no religion (49% to 23%). 

Moreover, that's why even among Jews by religion, the proportion who consider caring about Israel “essential” generally correlates closely with attachment to traditional Jewish praxis, rising from 31% among nondenominational Jews to 42% for Reform, 58% for Conservative and 79% for modern Orthodox (the ultra-Orthodox are anomalous; at 45%, they resemble Reform Jews).  
This correlation was inadvertently highlighted by a front-page New York Times story last month in which rabbis who criticize Israel complained about congregational backlash. “Rabbis are just really scared because they get slammed by their right-wing congregants, who are often the ones with the purse strings,” 

Conservative Rabbi Jill Jacobs said. She didn’t bother analyzing that telling statement, but I will: Major synagogue donors, by definition, are people who care deeply about maintaining organized Jewish religious life. And those are precisely the people who, as the Pew data shows, tend to be most supportive of Israel, and hence most likely to object to anti-Israel sermons.
Even Peter Beinart, who has made a career out of blaming Israeli policy for “distancing” young American Jews from Israel, admitted in a surprising pre-Rosh Hashanah op-ed that the main culprit is actually their alienation from religion. 
“The greatest threat to Jewish life in the United States is not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s religious illiteracy,” he wrote, before adding that, “the best way to ensure that American Jews stay connected to Israel is to ensure that they stay connected to Judaism ... If you care deeply about Jewish tradition, you’re likely to care deeply about Israel,” whereas if you’re indifferent to the Bible and the synagogue and Jewish holidays, “you’re likely to be indifferent to Israel too.”
Thus the fact that some young American Jews are becoming more attached to Judaism offers hope for their attachment to Israel as well. 
It’s also worth noting, as Mitchell Bard did last month, that decades of Gallup polling among Americans overall show a tendency for people to become more supportive of Israel as they age. In 1982, for instance, 49% of Americans aged 18-29 sympathized with Israel more than the Palestinians; today, when those same people are 55+, 74% of them support Israel. In 1996, 32% of 18 to 29-year-olds favored Israel; today, those people are aged 36-47, and 58% of them do so. 
Why this happens isn’t clear, though I suspect moving from the left-wing hotbed of college campuses to the real world plays a role. But assuming American Jews resemble other Americans in this regard, one would expect millennials to become more supportive of Israel as they age regardless of their Jewish identity. When you combine this with a salient indicator of enhanced Jewish identity like increased kashrut observance, the widespread assertion that Israel is “losing” the millennial generation seems, at least, premature.
None of this justifies complacency: If we want to ensure that young Jews remain attached to the Jewish people and Israel, investing in their knowledge of and attachment to Judaism is vital. But as the upsurge of kashrut observance among millennials shows, it’s not yet too late. For far from losing interest in being Jewish, some young American Jews are clearly hungry for a Judaism with more to offer than just the latest liberal talking points. 

Evelyn Gordon is a journalist and commentator. Follow her on twitter here.

Single Girl Solves "Shidduch Crisis" Marries Herself!

Grace Gelder throws the bridal bouquet
A woman so fed up with the dating scene and single life has become the first person in Britain to marry HERSELF.
Grace Gelder even 'proposed' to herself on a park bench and staged a full wedding ceremony with 50 guests.
The photographer said that after being single for six years she had built up a brilliant relationship with herself - and creating that bond with someone else seemed like too much hard work.
Inspired by the Björk song Isobel, which includes the line, 'My name's Isobel, married to myself', the Londoner said the lyric struck a chord with her and it was then she decided to walk solo down the aisle.
From proposing to herself on the park bench in Parliament Hill, London, last November, right through to the ceremony in mid-March this year, the matrimony was approached like an ordinary wedding.
Grace bought a dress, a ring, rehearsed vows and eventually wed in a farmhouse in rural Devon watched by her sister and friends -sealing the deal by planting a kiss on a mirror.
Speaking to the Guardian, she said: "A few did comment, in a light-hearted way, that it was a bit narcissistic. Obviously, if you have just announced you’re marrying yourself, it is plainly a statement of self-love, and I was under no illusion how self-indulgent that might appear.
"But I was completely comfortable with my motivations. I’d been on a journey of personal development using meditation, dance and performance to increase my self-awareness.
"Included in this was a Shakti Tantra programme focused on sexuality and how this was bound up with making agreements with yourself and other people.
"Sitting on that park bench, it dawned on me that a self-marriage ceremony witnessed by other people would potentially be this massively powerful means of making those agreements stick."
Grace was wed by her friend Tiu - a celebrant - who backed her plans and said the deal would set her up for a new phase of life.
But Grace suffered a case of the pre-wedding jitters only a month before the big day and had to be convinced she was doing the right thing.
Although the wedding holds no legal ground, Grace is glad she is no longer a 'single' lady.
She added: "It felt like a really big deal saying my vows, which were mostly about me promising to take more risks in matters of the heart. I really don’t see it as any kind of feminist statement, but creating a wedding of this kind on my own terms felt incredibly empowering."

Revised Map of New Square, if Jews would acquiesce and not live in 1 mile radius from New Square

Exclusive to DIN:
See new Spring Valley/New Hempstead Map, should New Square be successful with their "Judenrein" wish!

Map was drawn by a reader of DIN

This seems to be the first time since the Weimar Republic that someone is requesting in
"print" to have areas surrounding them, "Judenrein!"

At least 30 shuls are within that 1 mile radius.
Just a sampling of the shuls:
Cong Knesses Yisroel, Cong Kehilat New Hempstead, Rabbi Senter's Shul, Rabbi Teichman's Shul, Cong Ohaiv Shalom, Rabbi Spiegal's shul, Rabbi Neuberger's shul etc

There is no word yet, how Jews will be able to travel on the Palisaides Parkway, which is within the 1 mile radius, as indicated on the above map!